Finding Paradise, what an interesting game... But frankly not really my cup of tea.
I'll start by saying that if this game didn't have a really good story, I don't even think I would've done a review for it because it doesn't have much going for it. But I have to be fair and not criticize it too much on that because this game was clearly not made to be an action game or even a puzzle. In other words this game is pretty much a pixel art movie.
So if you're into gameplay driven games, you might just have to look for some other game. But if you like a story based game, also one which is very emotional, this might just be the game for you.
Let's get the first thing out of the way, the mechanical side. As I said, there's really not a lot to talk about, you only move and skip through dialogue in this game. Occasionally you'll have to solve a block puzzle games which... are designed a little on the strage side. And that pretty much sums the mechanical side.
Now one of the things that Finding Paradies really has going on for it is the Soundtrack and Atmosphere. Literally I couldn't tell you how well these are made, the songs are just heartbreaking even in trivial moments it just makes you stop to listen. And the fact the it's always spot on with the timing, it just makes an amazing atmosphere. But now that we're on this sound topic, I'd like to say since this game has nothing going on for it gameplay wise, it would've been nice for the characters to have voices instead of just text, but I guess it can be forgiven because we got a really good OST.
And lastly... The story
That's the best thing about this game, hands down. Even though I have not played To The Moon (the precedent game), this game still touched me with its story. I said a few things about the beginning of the story in my video about this game, and that's pretty much all I could say about it without spoiling it, because frankly, if I went into more detail, there would be no point in playing it. But trust me when I say that it's gonna be a bit of an emotional ride.
Though I really loved the story, it's still not the type of game I'd usually play. But that doesn't mean it makes this game any less good. Again, this is going to be a hit or miss for some people, but if you want to play a game with a good emotional story, this is the game.