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Shadow Fight 2
Shadow Fight 2 - Mathewss's Posts - TapTap

1K View2022-12-29
Shadow fight is awesome it is unique even the gameplay isn't just a normal fighting game but it has a lot of ads (compared to non ad games) something that to me is ignorable but at the same time the game would be *so better* withouth it, another thing is that it's so slow to complete the chapters, playing championiships and this little "side quests" make the game a little repetitive. Basically, the game looks enjoyable and for some hours it is, but i can't play this game for more than one week   withouth getting so tired of it.
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Shadow fight 2 is by far the best game in the shadow fight series. The art style is very unique and looks very good, it's also very low demanding hardware wise so the game runs great on older devices. The gameplay is very fun and captivating and the progression feels rewarding enough too keep players engaged but not too rewarding too make the game boring. Even when I downloaded a mod of the game for infinite gems and coins it felt the same way so even when you mod the game it doesn't ruin it. Overall it's a great game that does have its flaws that I didn't cover, but their so small compared too what makes the game good.
The classic that stood up with time, And this reminds us of some good games we forgot existed
The only correct way to play Shadow Fight 2 is by playing Special Edition one. No grind, no ads, no micro transactions, and very normal difficulty you can enjoy, as how every game supposed to be. Visually the game is so distinct there is no way you mistook this game for something else. No need amazing graphics to make a game that really timeless. Plus, this runs on anything as far as it has a display.
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My first encounter with Shadow fight was when the first shadow fight was released, as a huge fighting game fan myself I spend many years loving the fighting game and play many tournaments with The king of fighters classic, So seeing a fighting game that has been talked about everywhere shadow fight 1 got my attention I have to say it was a mediocre game with extreme balance issues, but now it's been years the shadow fight become a franchise with multiple entries but with that, the game is still a horrible fighting game,
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