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New trailer revealed! Pokémon Sleep is set to release this summer

New trailer revealed! Pokémon Sleep is set to release this summer

3K View2023-02-28
The Pokémon Company has finally revealed an approximate release time of Pokémon Sleep. During the Pokémon Presents event in February, the game was officially announced to release this summer. A new trailer has also been shared with the public by the company.
Pokémon Sleep will monitor your sleeping patterns and display the various sleeping types of the many different pocket monsters you may come across in the game. It aims to "turn sleeping into entertainment by having a player's time spent sleeping, and the time they wake up, affect the gameplay," letting players "wake up with Pokémon every morning." Pokémon Sleep will be available on Android and iOS when it releases.
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I just love all the pokemon mobile games!!! And this one is especially useful as it help to  record and measure the sleep! And their different sleep style are sooo cute! btw, if you are also interested in pokemon memes or other stuff, follow me!! I will update twice a week!
Pokemon SLEEP and its problem
This is pure my perspective as a gamer and somehow disappointed with this game because it has so many potential as a good game.
和寶可夢一起入眠!《Pokémon Sleep》現已於 Android /IOS上線
The Pokémon Company 於7月19日宣布,睡眠監測APP《Pokémon Sleep》已於 iOS / Android 上線。本作是將睡眠娛樂化的睡眠遊戲,只要將智慧型手機放在枕邊,就能測量、記錄、分析每天的睡眠。遊戲內建可以記錄打呼聲、夢話的錄音功能,以及會在睡眠較淺的時候叫人起床的智慧型鬧鈴,讓玩家能和寶可夢一起輕鬆快樂地調整每天的睡眠節奏。 《Pokémon Sleep》的冒險舞台是位於世界某處的小島,玩家將和住在島上的大型卡比獸以及研究寶可夢睡姿的橙夢博士,一起展開寶可夢的睡眠生態研究。 玩家將協助正在研究寶可夢睡眠生態的橙夢博士,完成「寶可夢睡姿圖鑑」。寶可夢們的睡姿可愛無比且個性十足,甚至能讓人揣想牠們的生態與特徵。每天早上看看有什麼寶可夢前來,用什麼樣的睡姿睡覺,讓新發現歡樂點綴一日開始。 《Pokémon Sleep》採用簡單的玩法,玩家只需在晚上測量睡眠,隔天早上研究寶可夢們的睡姿後,在日間盡量把卡比獸培育得又大又壯。玩家睡得越好,卡比獸長得越大,就越有機會遇見新的寶可夢並且發現新的睡姿。
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