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Flash Party Hero Design Contest: Ashe

Flash Party Hero Design Contest: Ashe

1K View2023-03-07
Ashe the die-hard fighting fan joins the ring!
Ever since she was young, she has had a love for fighting. She would stay up late at night watching Flash Party tournaments. Hoping to one day enter the ring herself. She would even enter small boxing tournaments for fun. Ashe is currently working at a local fast-food restaurant the Starlight Burgers joint she enjoys it. But it's not as fun as fighting luckily Flash Party has recognized her passion and has sent an invitation to the next flash party tournament filled with excitement Ashe sets her sights on the battle ahead!
Ashe is a simple but fun to use rush down boxer type character she excels on the ground but is a bit weak in the air so use your spacing skills accordingly and when you see a chance to strike just go for it!
Neutral special: Flurry Rush
Ashe will do a rabid series of small jabs in quick succession it has a short range but is very strong.
Side special: Weave
if you press right on the control stick and press special while facing right Ashe will do a short dash forward and if you press left on the control stick while facing right, she'll do a short dash backwards and vice versa she will also duck while doing this allowing her to get under some projectiles.
Up special: Soda Rocket
Ashe will get on top of a small soda cup and shoot up for small burst of flight
Down special: Counter
press down special right before an opponent's attack is about to hit to counter with a strong punch and send the opponent flying.
I hope you enjoyed this look at Ashe and her possibilities as a fighter. and I look forward to all of what the Flash Party world has in store!
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I love this design and idea. It’s also very interesting on her gameplay and game style.


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I actually like this idea


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