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T3 Arena
Fade ULT

Fade ULT

916 View2023-03-27
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I think fade is unstoppable just remove it or nerf it I hate playing against it.
Fades 2nd Ult isn't Broken...Let Me Explain
Fades 2nd ult (Naval Bombardment) has been the topic of debate for quite some time now. The ult for most players has been labeled with "OP" status, ever since its introduction in the T3 Arena's official season update video late last year (Dec 22. 2023). As a tank main(more importantly a Fade main), I think its about time someone addressed how to handle Fades 2nd ult. Naval Bombardment is a large area, continuous tracking fire, high damage, control ultimate. The ultimate last for 7 seconds, and is engaged the moment a player steps into its AOE (doesn't matter if you leave the AOE and come back, if the ult is still active you will still receive damage). What the ult does is, it tracks each individual enemy player in its AOE and tracks them with their own individual series of aerial projectiles. The most optimal time for this ult to be utilized is when there is a decent amount of enemy players grouped up. By having the enemy team grouped up, you have also managed to layer the aerial projectiles to not just hit their designated target, but the individuals next to that target, for
fade Animation Clip 101
Don't sleep on this technique for fade its deff worth putting into muscle memory. I've found others for different hero and if anyone else is interested I'll post my findings.Enjoy & have Fun sincerely G.I.S.M Aka Godly in-game skill master Aka Guy in Sucide Mission Aka Goated Intuitive Slap Master Aka Ghastly Intangible Spectral Monster
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