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T3 Arena
Fades 2nd Ult isn't Broken...Let Me Explain

Fades 2nd Ult isn't Broken...Let Me Explain

1K View2024-03-06
Fades 2nd ult (Naval Bombardment) has been the topic of debate for quite some time now. The ult for most players has been labeled with "OP" status, ever since its introduction in the T3 Arena's official season update video late last year (Dec 22. 2023). As a tank main(more importantly a Fade main), I think its about time someone addressed how to handle Fades 2nd ult.
Naval Bombardment is a large area, continuous tracking fire, high damage, control ultimate. The ultimate last for 7 seconds, and is engaged the moment a player steps into its AOE (doesn't matter if you leave the AOE and come back, if the ult is still active you will still receive damage). What the ult does is, it tracks each individual enemy player in its AOE and tracks them with their own individual series of aerial projectiles. The most optimal time for this ult to be utilized is when there is a decent amount of enemy players grouped up. By having the enemy team grouped up, you have also managed to layer the aerial projectiles to not just hit their designated target, but the individuals next to that target, for EVERY target (the more I explain it, the more OP it sounds). The ult does have an audio queue to be mind of, to allow yourself some time to disengage.
"Don't you dare take anything, what you've earned is mine, mine, mine!" -Capt. Fade
The cool thing that this ult does, is drastically change the hierarchy of importance on the board. Once this ult is available, Fade is no longer just a tank, but a potential damage dealing nuclear bomb. The way that I look at it is, he's making himself a "mini objective". Just in the same way that we approach Forts 2nd ult (Annihilation Bomb), we have to switch our attention on bringing him down and away from the objective.....that's such a fun concept, to me at least.
Read the Display Card - Reading the display cards at the beginning of the match will tell you what ults/passives everyone has selected (and if they have their active abilities). Take a good look at what Fade has selected. If the Fade has the default ult enabled, then you're pretty much fine. But if not, change your mindset to "Fade hunting". Unlike other "OP" ult's, this ult is actually the most manageable. You don't have to go looking for a bomb to defuse (Forts 2nd ult), or can't reach them because their shooting through walls (Lacia's default ult), the game in a way changes to "keep away". ***SIDE NOTE: If a player has the autograph for that hero, they are 90% likely using that hero's 2nd ult***
Apply Pressure (PUSH UP) - Keep the pressure high on Fade that hasn't popped his ult in high percentage games. Make him waste all resources (his shield, and both charges). Make him popping his ult in a optimal position as difficult as possible. Which in reality means watch the respawn counter on Fade, and meet him basically at the door (I don't condone spawn camping, but..). You don't have to secure the kill, you just need him to frequently reset back to the spawn point because of low health.
Keep Him From Getting into Position - Fade is a tank, and his primary job is to hold objectives. Keep him off of the objective. The Fade player will usually be tunneled visioned depending on how high the percentage/time is. You can use this mistake in judgement against him. Make him more eager to get to the objective.
Ult Utilization and Understanding - There are numerous ult's that can be utilized to keep Fade under control.  The goal is to get Fade to come out and waste time, and be sent back to spawn. Skadi's, Judex, Forts, and a few other 2nd ult's can make Fades positioning very tough. Be mindful, you want to layer these in this case (1 per push). You can look at the hero's that have their ult's available by looking at the top of the UI. A yellow frame around a hero's picture means that they have an ult available, that information plus audio queues, allows you to coordinate with your teammates on when to pop your ult.
Make Him Waste It - Fade mains panic ult just like everybody else. Applying enough pressure can make him think "now is the time" on popping his ult in suboptimal positions (which is exactly what you want). Doing that can make you either lower shoulders and go back to the objective, or continue to apply pressure (completely up to you and your team).
Welp, I have betrayed Fade mains everywhere, but as always...
Hope this helps,
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For control its too much i think it should be activated by having to pull up a map and placing where you want it to be on the map i feel like that would be more balanced


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DR.TANKiᵖʰᵈ Author

Ahh the old “COD killstreak“ rework🤔 as for alternatives being considered, I wouldnt mind this redesign. I would prefer if it worked more like Bastions ult from OW2 than the COD killstreak, if that makes sense


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Honestly, I can't complain without sounding like a hypocrite as an avid kazama user. He's 2nd ultimate has an initial impact over 4000 and a follow up damage over 2000, and that doesn't say any about me being far away and tossing 2000 damage shots at people trying to escape......Hell I killed a fade, jabali and tigris on the enemy team at once trying to hold on to objective while time was running out. I will say this for a fact "hey look up and smile" sounds scarier than anything fade can ever say because I know what it can do. Kazama abilities naturally counter fade in his entirety, just don't be on the ground and he's screwed.


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DR.TANKiᵖʰᵈ Author

If I had to come up with an argument for Fades ult being op, it would not be damage as much as it would be time duration and continuation after death. It denies space for 7 seconds, that feel like a lifetime playing an objective focused game. Kazama is a threat if played well. As a tank main I’ve had to learn a lot to handle much of the usual stuff lol I watch Kazama players usage of their active abilities and what order they do them in, most Kazama players make the mistake of using both abilities sequentially (I also know the cooldown rate for both of these abilities). My thought process is, “if he flew in, he can’t fly out immediately, he has to land” and that’s when I pre charge😅


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As a super legit one of the best tank players in the world it’s still op and if you want we can set a debate on this but I’m just suprised why anyone wouldn’t say it op


DR.TANKiᵖʰᵈ Author

I’m totally down to have that debate, now mind you, I do write this stuff for players that are not in the top whatever % (because those players probably already know/ do the things I’m saying, or can brute force their way to wins). Most players aren’t doing tourneys , practicing and doing scrims, join super active and involved clans, etc. So the information that I provide can be applied but is not always a sure fire, guaranteed win (usually because of external factors e.g. poor DPS/support, bad hero combos, individualistic play styles, playing against a well organized 5 stack), things happen… But, I also think we are quick to call something “OP”. I think with the narrative that the “OP” status is applied to anything that changes “comfortable/complacent” play, instead of being something you can’t beat.


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