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Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077 review for 2023

Cyberpunk 2077 review for 2023

14K View2023-04-08
I've played this game about 4 times since
it's launch in December 2020.
And oh boy I never doubted this game once. sure it was a bit of a buggy mess back then. But the gameplay the story and the variety never left me bored with this game at all. First the characters and oh boy I loved all of them from the mysterious. Goro Takamura to the jokey but nice at heart Jackie Welles the characters never left me feeling bored especially johnny silverhand with his silly remarks against V. my only complaint is that adam smasher should of got alot more screentime in my opinion! Second the story and overall I found the story great with almost no complaints. except for the quality drop off from Act 1 to Act 2 there both good but act 1 just felt a little more focused on more. and my opinion and it really shows (but there both great) the basic premise is that your V a badass that you create as the game progresses through your play style but unlike the Courier from fallout new Vegas. were you build him through the story and gameplay or the reputation system V is a Real character with a back story. granted backstory you choose from the three lifepaths but he's still a character that gets developed through the story you meet Jackie Welles and you both become friends as you grow through popularity and word through the street of night city. You meet a fixer named Dexter Deshawn a well known fixer who offers you a job to take a Biochip from arasaka. As he tasks you to go get a spider bot known as a "flathead" from Maelstrom. And that's the basic premise that I can give for now you should honestly play the game yourself too see it unfold for yourself it's truly worth it! Three the gameplay now for me the gameplay is rewarding satisfying and addictive. For one the variety is amazing with shotguns tech shotguns pistols smart pistols assault rifles smgs katanas chainsaw blades and a whole lot freaking more! Sadly the variety can't be said for the enemy's it's either guy with gun guy with mantis blades that can teleport and maybe a mech and a Robot if your lucky however the side bosses and actual boss fights are pretty amazing! I can't say most since there part of "spoilers" but there all pretty good what I can mention is cyberphyscos there pretty fun to fight If easy If your weapon has elemental damage. The skill tree for the gameplay is also pretty good and defines your play style ALOT. As you put your attributes evenly spread out across all skills or focus on two to three for your build. it really depends like if you like stealthy gameplay than focus on cool or if you like quick hacking (like me) you focus on intelligence it's really cool and it's one of the biggest skill trees in a game I've seen at least. but within this skills are bonus perks such as "quick hacks apply to the enemy 30 percent faster" stuff like that is worth grinding your skills and ultimately making your life a grind fest (like me). overall cyberpunk is a very fun enjoyable ride with great characters great gameplay variety (mostly) and a great story overall cyberpunk 2077 is a 9/10 and I would absolutely recommend you play it before you die thanks for reading my review!
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a totally different game compared with past in 2020


masterluke791 Author

agreed I'm excited to play update 1.7 when it releases it might be good enough to bump my rating up to a ten If substantial enough thanks for commenting!


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when is this game out in mobile for the UK


olo lool
olo lool

it will not come out for mobile💀


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it's not a mistake it's a masterpiece


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