Cyberpunk 2077 First Glance
🎨 Graphics: Quite The Difference In Graphics From Last Time I Played It Before 5 Months.
My Pc With Ryzen 5 3600x and Gtx 1660Ti Was Able To run it on 2k High Graphics Settings.
(40 Frames Per Second But Smooth)
🎮 Gameplay: The Game Play was Good Smooth A Different Take On Riding Cars.
Now You Can Have Armoured Cars So You Can Run Wild In This Night City.
Many Abilities Added New Weapons The New Story I didn't Play it Till Now
Hareth Albana1K2023-09-28
a totally different game compared with past in 2020
agreed I'm excited to play update 1.7 when it releases it might be good enough to bump my rating up to a ten If substantial enough thanks for commenting!
when is this game out in mobile for the UK
it will not come out for mobile💀
it's not a mistake it's a masterpiece