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Idle Angels
4.37.0 Update Announcement

4.37.0 Update Announcement

2K View2023-05-15
【New Content】
1. Added new UR+ Sim Cheong
Exclusive Passive Skill:
Lotus Canopy——When entering battle, bestows all allies a shield equal to 30% of Sim Cheong's current HP that lasts for 2 rounds and 3 layers of [Lotus Barrier] (both effects cannot be dispelled).
[Lotus Barrier]: When receiving a critical hit, each layer of [Lotus Barrier] reduces received DMG by 10%. At the beginning of her turn, she loses one layer of [Lotus Barrier], dispelling one debuff on herself. (已编辑)
1. Optimized the skill description of [Strength of Guardian] in UR+ War Zone:
Decreases the damage taken from Crit DMG Value by 20% -> When receiving a critical hit, reduces received DMG by 20%
2. Improved some interface displays and art performance
【BUG Fixed】
1. Fixed the issue that, in some cases, when Heimdall's HP is lower than 50%, her 2nd skill can not be triggered.
2. Fixed the issue that, in some cases, an anomaly occurs with the shield, ATK, and DEF bonus provided by Horus’s UR+ skill [Avenging Angel] when angels with [Vengeance] were defeated.
3. Fixed the issue that, in some cases, Athena's [God of War] cannot purge the debuff from UR+ Ember Dragon’s Skill [Nova Blast] and UR+ Frost Dragon’s Skill [Frozen Void].
4. Corrected the description of Himiko's two skills. The actual effect has not changed.
①SSR+ Himiko’s 2nd Skill [Mysterious Slash]:
Every critical hit has a 40% chance of triggering the mysterious power, causing additional True DMG of 50% of Himiko's Max ATK and healing herself the same HP equal to the damage caused. ->
Every critical hit has a 40% chance of triggering the mysterious power, causing additional True DMG of 50% of Himiko's ATK and healing herself the same HP equal to the damage caused.
②UR Himiko’s 2nd Skill [Extreme Mysterious Slash]:
Every critical hit has a 50% chance of triggering the mysterious power, causing additional True DMG of 50% of Himiko's Max ATK and healing herself the same HP equal to the damage caused.  ->
Every critical hit has a 50% chance of triggering the mysterious power, causing additional True DMG of 50% of Himiko's ATK and healing herself the same HP equal to the damage caused.
5. Fixed other known issues
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