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Dynasty Legends 2
【維護公告】Maintenance Notice-07/25/2023

【維護公告】Maintenance Notice-07/25/2023

40 View2023-07-25
① 維護範圍:全服
② 維護補償:元寶*400
③ 維護時間:
|亞服:2023年7月26日14:00 - 16:00 (UTC+8)
|美服:2023年7月26日02:00 - 04:00 (東部時間)
|歐服:2023年7月26日09:00 - 11:00 (UTC+3)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
① 所在伺服器為:
|亞服:1服 - 13服
|美服:1服 - 25服
|歐服:1服 - 41服
② 角色等級≤10級
③ 2023年4月1日後未再登入遊戲
④ 未進行過儲值
1. 【勢力爭霸】戰績獎獎勵增加『黃忠碎片』,具體獎勵內容如下:
(1) 勢力爭霸跨服前
- 無雙組1/2/3/4名黃忠碎片獎勵數量分別為:8/6/6/5個
(2) 勢力爭霸跨服後
- 無雙組1/2/3/4名黃忠碎片獎勵數量分別為:10/8/8/7個
- 巔峰組1/2/3/4名黃忠碎片獎勵數量分別為:7/6/6/5個
- 王者組1/2/3/4名黃忠碎片獎勵數量分別為:5/4/4/3個
2. 【勢力拍賣】中,原張角碎片、天公雷鳴杖碎片改為『張角/黃忠碎片自選禮包』、『張角/黃忠神兵自選禮包』,數量不變
3. 【勢力押運】的完美、高級、普通、低級輜重,押運獎勵分別增加2、1、1、1個『火雲神龍炮·鑄圖』(火雲神龍炮·鑄圖不可被掠奪)
4. 提升【魔將來襲】-【魔將奪寶】環節中『龍玉』出現的機率,並提高龍玉獎勵數量
5. 【勢力共建】中,共建進度禮包·三、共建進度禮包·四、共建進度禮包·五、共建進度禮包·七分別增加獎勵1、1、1、2個黃金鏟
6. 【勢力店鋪】增加可兌換道具『完美輜重令』,月限購1,可使用功勳進行兌換
7. 【逐鹿中原】活動的寶箱打開後,有機率獲得『火雲神龍炮碎片』
8. 增加【逐鹿中原】一層至二層的令旗數量,保證更多的將軍可以進入第二層關卡
9. 【國戰】-【懸賞任務】中5星任務【共討混沌】、【鎮壓外敵】增加獎勵『神髓*1』
10. 【龍脈爭奪戰】國家排名獎勵增加『元戎千機弩碎片』。依據國家排名獎勵數量分別為12、10、9、8片
11. 【烽火四起】活動獎勵中的『烽火寶箱』 增加機率獎勵『元戎千機弩·鑄圖』,每次打開寶箱機率獲得元戎千機弩·鑄圖*1
12. 將軍等級達到58級後,【經典戰役】-【破襲曲陽】、【諸侯討董】獎勵增加『靈粹晶*5』
13. 將軍等級達到58級後,【圍剿叛軍】討伐獎勵增加『靈粹晶*3』
14. 【三英討逆】非首次的通關獎勵增加『魂靈清露*3』
15. 【公平店鋪】中,『張角碎片』的週限購兌換數量,由5個提升為10個;『天公雷鳴杖碎片』的週限購數量,由15個提升為20個
16. 糧草的單次購買上限由20調整為99
17. 部分介面表現相關最佳化調整
★金將列傳&彩金武將列傳最佳化升級- #心願武將卡池自選★
1. 金將列傳
- 金將列傳開始後,將軍可在當期活動可選武將列表中選擇心儀的武將作為心願武將,選擇後,卡池的介面,基礎掉落以及累計招募獎勵將會替換為心願武將的配置
- 在開始招募之前,可以自由更換心願武將,但開始招募後,將無法再次更換心願武將
2. 彩金武將列傳
- 彩金武將列傳開始後,將軍可在當期活動可選武將列表中選擇心儀的武將作為心願武將,選擇後,卡池的介面,基礎掉落以及累計招募積分獎勵將會替換為心願武將的配置
- 招募積分排行榜中的獎勵會顯示為通用道具,在實際發放獎勵時,該道具將自動轉化為所選心願武將的武將碎片和神兵碎片進行發放
- 在開始招募之前,可以自由更換心願武將,但開始招募後,將無法再次更換心願武將
1. 周瑜技能最佳化
2. 孫尚香技能最佳化
(1) 【鳳鳴百轉】:提高每次普攻命中後獲得的傷害加成效果;該效果疊加上限由10層改為5層
(2) 【破魔一擊】
3. 黃忠技能最佳化
(1) 【龍牙砲塔】:架設砲台後可更快攻擊敵人
(2) 普攻調整(非架砲形態):提高砲彈飛行中的傷害,降低砲彈終點爆炸的傷害
(3) 技能【星火盾壁】的持續時間增加至6秒,技能升級為等級3後增加至8秒。
✩ ▎誰與爭鋒 ▎✩
1. 趙雲調整部分:攻擊、生命、防禦
2. 顏良調整部分:生命、防禦
✩ ▎三軍爭霸 ▎✩
1. 趙雲調整部分:攻擊、生命、防禦
2. 顏良調整部分:生命、防禦
1. 修復寶物系統中魂晶精煉時卡頓問題
《極無雙2》團隊 敬上
Dear Generals,
To bring you better game experience, the servers will be down for maintenance. Please arrange your game time reasonably, and don’t forget to memorize your account name and password. Sorry for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding.
*The service resumes sooner or later depending on the maintenance progress. Thanks for your understanding and support!
  ❖❖❖【Maintenance Information】❖❖❖
① Server Range: All servers
② Compensation: Sycee*400
③ Maintenance time:
|Asia Area: 14:00 - 16:00 on July 26th, 2023 (UTC+8)
|America Area: 02:00 - 04:00 on July 26th, 2023 (ET)
|Europe Area: 09:00 - 11:00 on July 26th, 2023 (UTC+3)
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〈Inactive Character Cleanup〉
Please note characters that meet the following 4 conditions at the same time will be permanently deleted after this maintenance.
① Server Range:
|Asia Region: S1 - S13
|America Region: S1 - S25
|Europe Region: S1 - S41
② Character ≤ Lv.10
③ Not logged into the game since April 1st, 2023
④ Never made a recharge
★ Event Reward Adjustments★
1. Added [Huang Zhong Shard] into the Battle Reward of [Guild War] as follows:
(1) Single-server Guild War
- The number of Huang Zhong Shard for the reward of the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th Place in the Ultimate Group respectively is: 8/6/6/5
(2) Cross-server Guild War
- The number of Huang Zhong Shard for the reward of the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th Place in the Ultimate Group respectively is: 10/8/8/7
- The number of Huang Zhong Shard for the reward of the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th Place in the Challenger Group respectively is: 7/6/6/5
- The number of Huang Zhong Shard for the reward of the 1st/2nd/3rd/4th Place in the King Group respectively is: 5/4/4/3
2. Adjusted the Zhang Jiao Shard and Thunder Cane Shard to [Zhang Jiao/Huang Zhong Shard PYO Pack] and [Thunder Cane/Buster Boomer PYO Pack] in [Guild Auction], but the number remains the same
3. Added 2, 1, 1, and 1 Buster Boomer - Polish Blueprint respectively into the Escort Reward of the Premium, Advanced, Uncommon, and Common Supply in [Guild Escort] (Buster Boomer - Polish Blueprint can’t be plundered)
4. Increased the probability of Dragon Jade appearing in [Devil Attack - Treasure Snatch] and increased the number of Dragon Jade
5. Added 1, 1, 1, and 2 Gold Shovel respectively for Mission Progress Pack III, Mission Progress Pack IV, Mission Progress Pack V, and Mission Progress Pack VII in [Guild Mission]
6. Added Premium Supply Token in [Guild Shop], which can be exchanged for only one monthly with Merit
7. There is a chance to get Buster Boomer Shard after opening the chest in [Flag Raiders]
8. Increased the number of Battle Flags in Stage 1 of [Flag Raiders] to make more generals can get to Stage 2
9. Added Vitality Essence*1 for the reward of the 5-Star quest [Fight against the Boss] and [Suppress the enemy] in [Faction War] – [Bounty Quest]
10. Added Hawk Crossbow Shard into the Faction Ranking Reward of [Dragon Venture]. The number of Hawk Crossbow Shard is respectively based on the faction ranking: 12, 10, 9, and 8
11. Added the chance to get Hawk Crossbow - Polish Blueprint in the Ghost Chase Chest of the event [Ghost Chase]. Opening the chest to get Hawk Crossbow - Polish Blueprint with a chance
12. Added Essential Spar*5 into the reward of [Team Dungeon] – [Raid Quyang] and [Battle VS Dong Zhuo] for Lv.58 or above generals
13. Added Essential Spar*3 into the reward of [Rebel Suppression] for Lv.58 or above generals
14. Added Soul Dew*3 into the non-first clearance reward of [Elite Challenge]
15. Increased the weekly exchange number limit for Zhang Jiao Shard from 5 to 10 and that for Thunder Cane Shard from 15 to 20 in Shop – Fair Arena
16. Adjusted the purchase cap of a single time for Rations from 20 to 99
17. Optimized and adjusted the performance of some interfaces
★Tales/Story of Mythic and Unique Officer Upgrade – Select the Card Pool of A Desired Officer★
1. Tales/Story of Mythic Officer
- After the event is available, you can select a specific Officer from the Officer List as your Desired Officer. Once selected, the basic loot and the cumulative Recruit Reward will be replaced with the corresponding Desired Officer in the interface of the card pool.
- The Desired Officer can be changed before the recruitment starts, but can't be changed again after the Recruit starts.
2. Tales of Unique Officer
- After the event is available, you can select a specific Officer from the Officer List as your Desired Officer. Once selected, the basic loot and the cumulative Recruit Reward will be replaced with the corresponding Desired Officer in the interface of the card pool.
- The reward displayed on the Recruit Point Ranking will be the universal item, but it will be automatically converted into the Shard and Weapon Shard of the selected Desired Officer when being issued.
- The Desired Officer can be changed before the recruitment starts, but can't be changed again after the Recruit starts.
★ Officer Skill Optimizations ★
1. Optimized Zhou Yu’s Skill
Slightly improved the damage of Flaming Field generated when Fury Lotus summoned in the skill [Fury Lotus] encounters Cyan Lotus Gale
2. Optimized Sun Shangxiang’s Skill
(1) [Phoenix Cry]: Increased the Damage Bonus granted every time after the Normal Attack hits, up to 5 instead of 10 stacks
(2) [Devil Blow]
- Added dual-stick directional control
- Reduced the skill CD to 8 seconds and correspondingly and slightly adjusted the skill damage according to the skill CD
- Sped up for 3 instead of 2 seconds after the skill hits the enemy
3. Optimized Huang Zhong’s Skill
(1) [Cannon Turret]: Putting up the turret can attack the enemy faster
(2) Adjusted Normal Attack (non-turret form): Increased the damage of the shell in flight and reduced the damage of the shell’s end blast
(3) Increased the duration of the skill - Shield Barrier to 6 seconds, and to 8 seconds after the skill is upgraded to Lv.3.
4. Fixed the problem that some performances of Xiahou Dun’s skills were incorrect
★ Fair Arena Balance Adjustment ★
✩ ▎The Challenger ▎✩
1. Adjustment for Zhao Yun: ATK, HP, and DEF
*Please view the details in the game.
2. Adjustment for Yan Liang: HP and DEF
*Please view the details in the game.
✩ ▎Supremacy Rush ▎✩
1. Adjustment for Zhao Yun: ATK, HP, and DEF
*Please view the details in the game.
2. Adjustment for Yan Liang: HP and DEF
*Please view the details in the game.
★ Other Optimizations ★
1. Fixed the problem that it would cause lag when purifying Soul Spar in Trinket
*For more details, please view the announcement in the game.
Team Dynasty Legends 2
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親愛的將軍們, 感謝將軍對《極無雙2》的支持,為了給將軍帶來更好的體驗,遊戲將進行全伺服器停機維護,維護期間將無法登入遊戲,請將軍們安排好遊戲時間,妥善保管並記好自己的帳號密碼。謝謝各位將軍的耐心等候。 ​ 維護時間會根據實際維護情況推遲或提前。為此給您帶來的不便敬請諒解! ​ ​ ❖❖❖【維護訊息】❖❖❖ ① 維護範圍:全服 ② 維護補償:元寶*600 ③ 維護時間: |亞服:2023年5月9日 14:00 - 17:00 (UTC+8) |美服:2023年5月9日 02:00 - 05:00 (東部時間) |歐服:2023年5月9日 09:00 - 12:00 (UTC+3) ===============»★«=============== ★全新武將★ 新增22資質武將『諸葛亮』- 新增武將諸葛亮專屬列傳活動-臥龍出世,通過活動可以兌換諸葛亮碎片、諸葛亮神兵碎片等獎勵 *活動開啟時間請將軍關注後續公告通知
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