Spiritle features a story premise that revolves around spirits and the 4 elements: Nature, Earth, Water and Fire, and shines in its art style, featuring a charming and cartoonish paint-like aesthetic. The characters and overall visual design are appealing, however, beyond the introduction story, the lore is practically non-existent, as it is actually a competitive Match-2 game with a focus on PvP battles. The game is free to play, with only cosmetics as in-app purchases.
Gameplay wise, it is a match-two game where you need to unravel the tiles nature (its biome, e.g. volcano, swamplands, grasslands, etc) and match the same tiles to be able to attack. The premise of moving around the tiles and finding a matching biome is a bit weird at first, especially after the cute story intro they set up for the game, but it gets better as you play.
All the tiles are initially hidden, and players must gradually uncover them with two moves each turn. Selecting and moving to a tile reveals its nature to all players, but it becomes hidden again once their turn ends, making memorization important. There is a temporary short log to view the history of these selections, aiding players to some extent, although entries disappear as more are added.
Successful attacks give players two more moves, which allows them to chain two attacks together as long as they can match more tiles. If the tiles run out and the matches are still ongoing, they just reset with a new and bigger layout. The match continues until there is one player or team left standing.