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Rainbow Six Mobile
Rainbow Six Mobile is good for a round or two

Rainbow Six Mobile is good for a round or two

2K View2023-09-02
Rainbow Six Mobile (Reviewed)
Developer: Ubisoft
Publisher: Ubisoft
Released: September 1st, 2023
Price: Free To Play
Rainbow Six Mobile is the handheld version of the popular FPS Rainbow Six Siege as a on the go FPS you can play anywhere you have wifi access to. I truly believe that games like this should at the very least fix their issues with the main game before attempting to port it to other devices, especially when those ports frequently lower the overall quality from a decent game to an MTX game with sketchy marketing.
Many people claim games like this are dying are oftentimes false, but true. There has definitely been a gradual drop in player numbers, but it hasn't killed the main game because it is still being supported by the Devs and the servers are functioning. The primary game will not be completely "dead" for some time, but it is in decline, and resources and support have been diverted from the R6 team to other projects, which appears to be the case given the way this game has been shaping out.


It's okay but there is nothing special here
If you've played the original game. You'd know how each game begins. The fundamental gameplay remains the same here, it's just you're playing it on a smaller and more sluggish device with a terribly high latency with the servers and input lag.
As the Defenders, you defend your objectives while the Attackers attack them. The maps are all pretty much the same, with possibly a few tweaks from the pro-play side to remove or replace particular walls to make cheap pot shots more difficult in certain rooms, but there isn't a lot of variety.
I'll be completely honest. This game does not appeal to me and it hasn't for a long time. I dislike the way the game feels. It seems like everyone I fight is either a bot or a person who rushes into every single room without a care in the world because it's difficult enough to aim and fire at targets while standing still, but it's nearly impossible to hit a moving target because most people are less likely to use the hip-fire function.
The typical match lasts no more than 2 minutes. The same style of gameplay in which everyone remains stationary and tries to shoot each other while running out of ammo and needing to reload manually rather than automatically. As you and your opponent attempt to find your bearings, you make it look incredibly foolish and awkward.


There really isn't much here currently
Because of the flaws in the game, there aren't many things to do with their Soft Launch right now. You are confined to only two (2) game options, with the first being standard capturing. This is the more advanced gameplay, and it just feels so bad because the game's servers are so inconsistent and so are the inputs on the screen, this could be because I am still not used to the placements, but I just can't enjoy it.
Each action you take is delayed and will frequently reset or kill you if you do anything like throw an impact grenade into a wall while turning the corner to chuck it.
Climbing the leaderboard is as simple as playing the game and getting scores. Which hardly feels like an accomplishment. There isn't much to achieve here. Odd.

Blast Pit Team Deathmatch is kind of fun?
The next game mode is Blast Pit, although in this mode they made it a lot easier to play while also making it more different from what you would expect from R6S. As a weapon, you are given one grenade and must toss it directly at the other players. The team with the most points at the end of the round is the winner. This was the only option I enjoyed. It didn't last long due to the frequent input latency and server delay, which resulted in chucking a grenade too late while occasionally being reset and not being able to move while tossing to avoid another player from hitting you.


Not worthy of your time
The game is rough around the edges, to be honest, and I'm not sure why someone would choose this over the main game if they did have a compatible PC. Which, at that point, this game becomes the low-cost version of a far superior game.
Instead of creating it a port, Ubisoft might better focus on other projects and fix the faults with the current game on PC and Console. This Mobile version is really not fun and extremely frustrating, and even if they did eventually fix the stability issues, I'm still unsure why I'd want to play this game over the other versions.
I'm sure there are a lot of people who would like to play this game, either to climb the leaderboards and have fun with pals, or to screw around on a bus or during their lunch break when they don't have access to a PC or Console. But I can't see this being anything other than that. A game to play in your spare time for fast games while you're out and about and not taking it too seriously in the long run.

This concludes my views of this game; while my opinions may be met with criticism, that is what distinguishes gamers; you don't have to like the same things as others, nor do you have to agree with them.
If you want to catch me on one of my streams or locate me on social media, you may do so at the following locations, I'm always playing something new.
- Pawkt
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latency problem in-game kill the experience


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Pawkt Author



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it's only in softlaunch for now it hasn't even fully release yet.


Pawkt Author

Mentioned that in a previous first look / full review. In the current state of the Soft Launch, it's not great. But it is possible, though I won't hold them up to it, that it will remedy in the near future all of the issues.


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Dillard Gahhy
Dillard Gahhy

It's not globally released yet, hope the latency problem will be solved


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Pawkt Author

I am aware that the current state is not "globally" released since it is the Soft Launch, but it is available in my Country (no VPN) so the Latency issues were genuinely frustrating.


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