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[Appearance Boon Event] Project Black Fire

[Appearance Boon Event] Project Black Fire

1K View2023-09-05
Event Time: From the start of the new season on September 7th at 17:00 PDT until November 2, 2023.

Event Details: In the Boon event "Project Black Fire," every 10 Boons will guarantee one of the following appearances, and you will not obtain the items you already have.

Moto Premium Outfit: Black Fire Leader

Skill Effect: Machine Army·Thought Deconstruction

Skill Effect: Summon Machine Guard·Black Fire Defender

Skill Effect: Summon Spider Tank·Black Fire Executioner

Skill Effect: Summon Grim Phantom·Black Fire Lurker

Body Effect: Overriding Personality

Weapon Skin: One-Handed Hammer·Black Fire Maul
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