I'll list the most notorious problems I can find and every solution me and my friends tested below (some I found myself with my friends and some from great community at Taptap), hope it helps!
1. Game laggy (latency icon shows up on right side of the screen, booted out do to latency and similar issues)
This is due to only server in Canada is up. The issue is prominent in Asia simply because the server is very far away. Some Internet Service Provider (ISP) may have better connection and stability but most players find difficult to stay or even enjoy playing the game.
SOLUTION: The best chance you might have is by using Cloudflare VPN known as or WARP, available for free, ad-less, without login in Google play store. You can try other VPN, but this is the least hassle and most effective for me and 50% of my friends.

get WARP (Google Play Store)
2. Can't join friends as fireteam/friends left out when entering matches
This is due to server latency when detecting if other players in your team are ready or online or not. So the server might think you are still not ready/offline when your client actually already online.
SOLUTION: To make sure you and your friends can play together make sure the internet is stable (like using solution 1 above), then, DO NOT SPAM invite, just let one of your friends invite others to join fireteam, and ask them to NOT ACCEPTING multiple invites. Also after pressing READY, don't start the game immediately, instead keep taking via voice chat to make sure everyone connections are good before starting matchmaking.
3. Crashing when starting voice chat
This is caused by poorly implemented Bluetooth gaming mode detection on Bluetooth audio devices.
SOLUTION: DO NOT use Bluetooth audio devices. It interfere with poorly implemented "gaming mode". So your client crashes when joining friends or enabling voice chat.
4. Crashing/booted out from match when dying
This is because bug in settings under "General" section.
SOLUTION: DISABLE last 3 switches in the settings under General tab. Something like "auto close ADS when sprinting" and so on.
5. Black screen/crashed immediately when opening the game
The game has strong root detection! Will not allow rooted device to play the game.
SOLUTION: If your phone is rooted, disable the root. If you use magisk, simply use MagiskHide Module you can find in the internet. Zygisk doesn't work for my case. But it is different per phones so find out what's best for you.
If your phone isn't rooted it's simply because you didn't allow some core permissions to play the game. Just enable it in settings.
6. Discord voice chat doesn't work
Yes, the game doesn't allow voice input from other apps when the game is foreground. Somehow if I record the game, I can use discord voice chat when playing the game. But of course this is not an ideal solution. Even when your internet isn't the best, in-game voice chat actually still usable, it even can boost audio to 2x volume if needed. So, that's thoughtful from the devs.
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And that's it, there are many issues that I might not cover. If you find them and find a solution please make a comment below, it may helps more player to join R6M less effortfully. Thanks a bunch!
Tell me if any of them works for you guys, I'd like to update this post if it doesn't work for some specific reasons or you may even find a workaround yourselves that you might want to share :D
Is there any other vpn that's stable? cuz I always get kicked out just seconds loading into the game
I don't think any VPN will get you anywhere. it is physically impossible to get latency below 150ms (which is mandatory to maintain you from being kicked out) if you didn't live anywhere near LATAM
I get this when logging into my account, I can't contact support, as this is only possible in the game settings inside the game. I deleted the game several times, cleared the data and nothing helped. at the same time, I can play everything through the guest, but if I log into this account, it comes out like this endless download
I've tried using vpn too.