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Blood Strike
Blood Strike - FPS for all - Andrei's Posts - TapTap

1K View2023-09-18
This new update is fire, it makes project bloodstrike fell like codw and it looks rlly good at the same time, play it, If my crappy Motorola phone can run it at 60 fps then Your phone can probally run it.
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Great game but updates are way too frequent and weighty, seriously, there is no need for a 5GB update just to fix a few minor bugs. Instead there should be updates once every 1.5-2 weeks to justify this. I understand the game is under its testing phase but we want to see big changes rather than small changes every 5 days. Besides that, the game runs quite well on my S22 Ultra with a cheap $13 wireless controller I found online.
Look much better after the uptade keep it up Activision still need little more optimization in fps other all good best shooting game no heating problems,laging,bugs my device is medium range (Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G 5G) still its good at this mobile name (Samsung xcover pro 6) Do Dowload from play store /appstore plsss
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