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Blood Strike
Project: Bloodstrike releases yet another CBT!

Project: Bloodstrike releases yet another CBT!

2K View2023-06-22
A few days from now, Netease released a new CBT on one of the games that they published, A mobile Warzone inspired game called Project: Bloodstrike.
The game recieved massive updates and today I will be listing down the important ones that I've noticed:
📌 Massive performance leap
📌 New Game Mode "Hot zone" (5 MAN point capture)
📌 Added Weapon Cosmetics, camos and Mastery camos
📌 Added weapon ornaments (Weapon charms)
📌 Added A Battle Pass (Can be unlocked with in game currency)
📌 Bug fixes
📌 Minor movement overhaul
📌 Added BR intro scene
📌 Improved Mantling
📌 Improved object colission
Those are the most noticeable ones that I could find while playing the game, There's still a weather system that I don't get, and the aim assist is still strong as f#*k. I tested the game on multiple devices so you don't have to wonder. I used an old samsung phone and it performed bad but playable, I used an oppo phone that was released a few years back and it performed well with a bit of stutter, I used an ROG phone on the highest settings and obviously it performed great but it drained the battery a bit quicker... I also tried this on an emulator, it performed fine (I allocated 4GB of ram) but the keybinds were a little bit crappy(i used bluestacks and Nox player).
That's all for now, I'm XII/Hijoshiki, and I play and review games based on what I experienced. Thanks for reading and goodbye.
Btw you dumbass haters sound like you're 2 fucking years old, "i hAve A bEtTeR phOne thAn yoU", listen to yourself, you sound mentally retarted! either grow Up or Kill your selves!
Thank You🥰
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Great review. People who brag about having better phones are idiots. It is also important to know the actual minimum requirements to run the game. It is good to know this game can run on lower spec devices.


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This game so good And i can't wait for the full release. I am very sure this game is gonna be the future popular CALL OF DUTY MOBILE or even PUBG packaged in a small app. Project:Bloodstrike been in the test phase, The graphics was mind blowing and upon that It was running very smooth throughout the testing period, although I use an 8gb mobile device but I did not experience lag even with the highest graphics on. The only part the graphics looks like cheap games, is when you are about to skydive into the map, the animation was not very cool for me, it was like the end of a movie. But I still have hope that it will be fixed.
This new update is fire, it makes project bloodstrike fell like codw and it looks rlly good at the same time, play it, If my crappy Motorola phone can run it at 60 fps then Your phone can probally run it.
Oh well, i might be late to the party but here's my general opinion on the warzone mobile "clone" (lol). -Introduction: 'Bloodstrike is a game made by "NetEase Games/Exptional Global", the game was in development with almost the same amount of time as warzone, but was it better?' Today we will discuss that and see the pros in cons in this review... ======================================= Little insight:
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