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591 View2023-10-31
What's with the story my guy? The first plot was already so weird and before the game has time to explain, it just jumps on to another different story and pretend like the previous one didn't happen. Well moving on, it has under appreciated gameplay mechanics, it's so well made and fun. Excellent character design and the voice acting is ok for me. Gacha is cool too idk the pity limit but I get 6 star characters within 30 pulls, happened with the beginner banner and got A knight too so I guess the gacha is generous. Welp Game is good definitely worth trying
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Interesting take, I agree on the weird plot jumps but man, the gacha's been kind to you!


Roronoa Angleo
Roronoa Angleo

I saw this on a reddit thread apparently its an issue with the translation the devs have replied that they are looking into it, tho I don't know if they will solve it.


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very good game, both in terms of gameplay and story which is the advantage of this game. The gacha section is also quite fair because you can take the chosen character at pity 200 which will be reset for each banner. I don't have any major complaints about this game
This game is pretty amazing it has a ton of potential to become one of the better gacha games at the moment in the market . The story is pretty solid until the area i am at the moment 10/10 There are many intresting character's I love the fact that the main character can change his kit(autohit , ultimate and etc when you devourer some certain item's) The animation's are pretty good The only negative thing is the restoration of energy (hopefully they will change it)
Bill Nature2882024-02-06
Absolutely loving this game. The characters looks great and aesthetic looks great. The story is light-hearted and wonderful. When I first started playing this game I thought I wouldn't like the gameplay but I'm surprised that I'm enjoying it. It could be really difficult sometimes but nothing impossible. The gacha rates though are terrible I would say. There is no pity system (atleast how far as I know. Could be wrong) and the amount of crystals that you get from gacha needed so you could select the desired character from the banner are way too much and resets with the new banner. So unless you have about 24K pyrogenes, the currency for gacha (about 200 rolls) saved there's no way to guarantee the character you want. Aside from the very first ten pull at the beginning of the game which will guarantee a 3* (default pulls).
Delta ☬1K2021-11-08
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