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Racing Master
Racing Master - MammaMishaBe67 Ag's Posts - TapTap

124 View2023-12-07
One of the best games if you loving racing games and have a love for cars you will love this game. Can not wait for global release. Developers please send the game out out Asap
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just found this last night, the full game is actually out in China right now and if you download the Chinese client version you can just hop right in and play, no VPN needed. of course, everything is in Chinese but a simple workaround makes it pretty easy to navigate, all you do is take a screenshot of the text you want translated and throw it through Google lens, and it will translate on the screenshot itself. but yeah figured you'd appreciate this little discovery I made😁 https://m.taptap.io/app/peak-speed-new-year-carnival-33610213?share_id=91bf74a40dab&utm_medium=share&utm_source=copylink


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Kind of racing game everyone wants....A perfect game please release it soon....If there was a open world option where we can roam with our cars with other players it will be more fun
sandwip mustafiz1K2023-07-28
Best looking racing game so far can't wait for global release.....
Tomáš Jelínek3712023-11-13
This is a good game to pass my time. I Can't wait to play it!
I haven't played this game yet and I already think it's a good car racing game! The graphics of this game looks good and it doesn't look hard to play I like the color of the cars. Hopefully, it will be available to download soon!
Electric Player1K2023-02-15
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