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TapTap Pocket Playfest 2023 Winter Edition
📅 Schedule
Dates: December 23, 12 AM PT - January 7, 11:59 PM PT.
Playfest Winners & Player Rewards Announcement: January 8, 12 AM PT.
Cloud Gaming is an exclusive event that will take place on TapTap between December 23 and January 7. Throughout the duration, a limited selection of independently developed games will be accessible for play by all participants. Participating will grant you the opportunity to experience the gameplay and earn a chance to win more than $5,000 in cash, a Steam Deck, and other prizes. You will have thirty minutes to do so.
I am aware that they are quite well-liked, that they had a brief period of prominence, and that they continue to be enjoyable in terms of gameplay even to this day; yet, the concept that someone made the decision to combine the two does not seem to be a good fit for me when I am play through this game WILD LEGION.
It gives the impression that it is unsure of what it wants to become.