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The Eminence in Shadow RPG
Why does this game exist?

Why does this game exist?

655 View2023-12-13
So..... remind me why this game exists?
I love Kage no Jitsuryoukusha ni Naritakute and all of its characters (well, mostly Shadow, Delta and Alexia), and I adore the anime to death. So, why was there the need to even make this game? The story is literally just the anime in game form, but with weirder graphics and stills TAKEN FROM THE ANIME ADAPTATION???
I don't have such gripes with other games adapted from their respective animes - I still play those ones today. But I don't see the need for us to deal with a game having mediocre graphics, odd animation and character cards for the heck of it. Boy, I sure do remember getting 10 free pulls at the beginning of the game and playing the entire first chapter for getting absolutely nothing. Like, sure, the LORE is what's important, but I could just, you know, read the manga or watch the anime? The rewards are also important for the players - do they not realise it?
Not to say I wouldn't recommend it, but..... yeah, I wouldn't recommend it. Even Cid wouldn't recommend his own game; it simply does not capture his greatness and divinity. It's just a cashgrab that sucks the life out of the characters - I'm unamused by the Christmas outfits or special events.
.......although, this could be all part of Lord Shadow's plan, and I've simply landed myself on Shadow Garden's watchlist.
icon FromAnimetoGame
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I got your point! Still what about The Seven Shadow's plot, it's new right?!





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