Arknights Just Dropped a New BANGER Event ~ Hortus de Escapismo
582 View2023-12-21
Before the Arknights 4th anniversary, we are getting a new Laterano event and you know what that means, new BANGER OST.
The main star of the event is going to be an alter version of a old favourite within the community, Executor.
Now appointed as a saint, he takes to the lands of Terra to enact the Laterano Law!
In addition to Executor The Ex Foedere, the new event will also introduce two new operators alongside him; Spuria & Insider
(Insider is the wellfare (free) operator of the event)
As usual, new event also brings new fashion for the operators and this time Shalem, Paprika, Fartooth and Saga are getting their outfits.
For a gaccha game, Arknights goes absolutely crazy when it comes to world building. This time, it seems we are going to find out more about the ancient history between the Sankta (angels) and Sarkaz (devil) races.
Why are they at odds with each other and why do the Sarkaz proclaim the Sankta to have betrayed them?!
We may finally be getting the answer to these questions.
(Highly recommend this Youtube channel (RiverV) for any and all Arknights music)