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【12-28】Re-adjustment of Jiang Wei skills: Your feedback is crucial!

【12-28】Re-adjustment of Jiang Wei skills: Your feedback is crucial!

350 View2023-12-28
Dear adventurer:
After the new generals-Jiang Wei new skills were announced in the last season, we received a lot of feedback from everyone.
Some people expressed satisfaction with Jiang Wei's current skills; others believed that Jiang Wei's basic attacks would have too high a Stun frequency, causing Jiang Wei to forcibly control the opponent's generals throughout the battle, making the battle very boring.
We tested this again and had in-depth discussions with colleagues in charge of combat, and came to two conclusions:
1. [Stun] is a very powerful adverse effect, but it can be restrained by [Immune Deficiency] or [Sober].
2. Combined with the current mainstream lineup and the high frequency of Jiang Wei releasing [Stun], it is still easy for Jiang Wei to restrain too many generals.
Therefore, we retain the [Stun] mechanism of Jiang Wei, but the [Stun] of the basic attack is no longer 100%, but reduced to a 15% probability of triggering.
Although the probability has been reduced, combined with the automatic and sure-kill skill mechanism, Jiang Wei's [Fiery] trigger frequency will still be relatively high, which can maintain a high combat level.
The following are the modified Jiang Wei skills:
Kylin spear:attack the enemy in front and attach [Lock] with 50% probability, if the enemy had [Lock], attach [Stun]; gain 1 point of Dragon Soul, when accumulated 4 points, release the [Kylin double blades] immediately
Kylin spear:attack the enemy in front and attach [Lock] with 50% probability, if the enemy had [Lock], attach [Stun] with 15% probability and gain 1 point of Dragon Soul, when accumulated 4 points, release the [Double blades] immediately
Kylin anger:attack all enemies and attach [Stun] with 15% probability, and gain 1 point of Dragon Soul for each attaching [Stun]
Double blades:attack the enemy in front and deal twice damage, the first attack will attach [Lock], and the second attack will attach [Stun]
Dragon chanting:when attaching [Stun] to the enemy, attach [Maim], obtain [Fiery] and increase his own attack damage, lasting for 2 rounds
Unyielding:when received a fatal blow in the state of [Fiery], restore HP, only trigger once per fight
If you have any thoughts and comments about the revised Jiang Wei, please feel free to contact our customer service staff. We look forward to direct communication with you.
The final skills of Jiang Wei will be subject to the time when it goes online.
ZBJoy Games
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Great update, but could also rethink the Dragon Chanting ability?


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