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Farlight 84
Don't Miss The Rare Resources event

Don't Miss The Rare Resources event

326 View2023-12-30
Don't miss out on a free pod polar flight and epic skin freebie just keep collecting to get gifted your epic pod and more,Like there's a 10 legendary coupons that you could use.
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Farlight84 is giving alot of free awesome rewards this season don't miss out on this free epic pod plus alot of free stuff will become rare because it can't be bought until a certain time so don't miss out.
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Weekly Event Preview (Server: 1~1302)
①Advanced Summon Mania: Use Advanced Summon at the Portal for a certain amount of times to get super prizes! ②Merge and Awakening: Keep merging Heroes to obtain luxurious gifts! ③Campaign Shop: The Campaign Shop will be available for a limited time! Campaign items can be used to redeem rare items and Heroes in the Shop. Happy shopping! (Note: The last 24 hours of the event is for exchanging, event items will no longer drop.)
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