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Battlefield™ 2042
BATTLEFIELD 2042 makes me wanna play a game that isn't BATTLEFIELD

BATTLEFIELD 2042 makes me wanna play a game that isn't BATTLEFIELD

170 View2023-12-31
Battlefield 2042 is a horrible game 1st why is there no campaign its a 60 dollar game or something like that. 2nd why is leveling up so slow. 3 why do I need to go to the Battlefield website to make a game in portal👎. 4th I hate getting cross mapped by guns with no recoil. 5th why do snipers 2 shot kill they should one shot. Unless you get to level 60 for the 50 cal.👎 lastly why is it so hard to get kills with helicopters you can shoot a missile close to a player and they won't die also why does it take so long to repair them.  Also there needs to be more destruction in the game to give it more flavor👍
In conclusion fix the guns so the game is fun😃
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- The Game Literally Reminds Me Of BattleField 3. - The Game Has No Campaign Why 😭 - Limited Maps And Modes We Need More. - No Rank System - Strange Respawn System - Great Destruction Mechanics. - The Best Mode For me Is The Conquest Mode. - No Recoil At All In Any Weapon. - Cross Play Mode Available. - You Can Play it Through Ea Play Or Xbox Game pass. - The Graphics Ok But Not So Good. - It is an Aim game.
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Battlefield Mobile: Alpha 2# is trash
ALPHA #2 (24th March 2022) Wow this is complete trash. Just because it has the name Battlefield on it should be a warning label akin to a cancer causing product. Like with all recent Battlefield games the aim to deliver a broken ass piece of shit is easily met, thereby living up to its rep. Now wait a second this is a beta tho right?            Yeah. True. But why on earth would you release this to an unsuspecting audience who you want to support your game.
Straight to the point
Set a barrier first before I talk but.... Just my honest opinion I didn't even try to tolerant this piece of shxt work 3 times of testing and this is the result for the 4th one? c'mon bro I was expecting a come back of battlefield after the proper annouce of warzone but it turns out I'm wrong then Comparing to codm that came out years ago,this game still sucks...... Sry to be rude but this is too much of a disappointment......
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