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Star Wars: Hunters™
Star Wars: Hunters honest review.

Star Wars: Hunters honest review.

776 View2024-01-16
Star Wars Hunters is one of those games that get players hopes up and holds it. It has great characters and awesome fighting, though in my opinion the controls can be clunky. It has great visuals, and is highly recommended. The only 2 cons that I have for it is that it is only playable in certain regions, so that can leave you high ping, and in some cases the game crashing. Also the game is in need of an update to fix other problems, such as players already having connectivity issues, and updating issues. What I recommend for those two issues is going into the app settings and resetting the apps cache or data. If that doesn't work try uninstalling it, and redownloading it. To your best of luck. TheNecromancer.
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Had same issues, a reinstall did the trick for me. Loving the SW universe!


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TheWanderingNecromancer Author

Glad I could help!


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