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Art of Rally
Art of Rally - Nexus Empire Official's Posts - TapTap

81 View2024-01-19
Art of rally is a pretty good game. It has nice graphics, good controls, gameplay. The graphics are unique, it looks cartoony, the lighting also looks pretty cool.
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Art of Baldi
Art of Rally is a great game with very good graphics. Gameplay is good, almost everything is, But theres a problem. A problem that its trying to hide with its good graphics. Basically, if you get too far from the path you fall through the floor and you get a softlock. So, heres my review of it. Gameplay: 7.5/10 (i would give it 9 if i wouldnt have fallen through the floors. Graphics: 10/10 (they are perfect)
Nexus Empire Official2K2024-02-18
Very good the animations are Very smooth the graphics are stunning and the characters are Just perfect the gameplay in general is damn good overal rally good and f2p priendly game
Gamer Over2262024-05-09
Top notch racing game! The graphics are absolutely gorgeous. The car handling and response is amazing. The blend of playful anime outfits and car styles with the seriousness of real racing without nitrous or special abilities(see ace racer) is great. Five stars! And I will be playing this upon full release! Look for my club!
Kinnara Daemonclaw1982023-11-28
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