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Completely shit

92 View2024-01-23
I wanted that game very bad, but it's completely trash
I loved animation although most people said it's 4 kids , but the whole game is trash , u can't choose plants they just force u 2 use some plants 4 every level , and missions they are meanless , i even didn't read quotes i just used ticked without caring, we should just stop wondering anything good from this series
I still play pvz1 on steam , it's one of my best games , also i have played pvz2 it was great until they added online competitions and given u all keys at once , but it still playable, the rest of the series are shiiiiit
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I love the art style. The music is great! The gameplay is timeless. And offers multiple things to do after you complete the main storyline. It’s simplicity balances for casual and competitive players alike. I’ve seen people who barely play games pick this up and love it. I find myself searching for different plant combinations for fun. Although not as big as pvz2. It’s charming. Original. And nostalgic
This game is very separate from the two previous series. Pros : In my opinion, the previous and current soft launch art styles aren't too bad, whether it's 3D or 2D, it still gives its own characteristics to the game even though it hasn't changed too much. I really like how the animation is more movement than the previous game. Cons : They are really trying to make this game 100% mobile following other mobile games like Gardenscapes.
PVZ3 is bad.
We were all excited and hyped up for pvz3, and what do we get? Some random copy of gardenscapes. I do not like PVZ3 as much as the other PVZ games. The "rebuilding" function is a function i do not like. Okay, i talked about the bad things, what are the good things? 2.5D, i like the 2D but also 3D feel of the game. Ui looks good. Story is not that bad. Well, thats it, not mkre i can say about it to be honest.
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