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PVZ3 is bad.

1K View2024-01-19
We were all excited and hyped up for pvz3, and what do we get? Some random copy of gardenscapes. I do not like PVZ3 as much as the other PVZ games. The "rebuilding" function is a function i do not like. Okay, i talked about the bad things, what are the good things? 2.5D, i like the 2D but also 3D feel of the game. Ui looks good. Story is not that bad. Well, thats it, not mkre i can say about it to be honest.
Gameplay: 5/10
Graphics: 9/10
Ui: 9.5/10
Bad things:
-Copy: -3 points (A game being a copy is a REALLY bad thing, because we waited so much for it to be released.)
All: 4/10
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Ok, so 1st the grafic looks like a rip-off of the series pvz 2nd it doesn't let u build your own deck of plants (for me this is mot something I like) 3rd u won't feel like u play pvz anymore is more like gardenscape or homescape (play rip-off levels of pvz with some already chosen plants get tikets and with the tikets do something on the map) 4th u now only have one land mower which protects all lanes, and can be only used ones
Tiger Tooth892024-01-20
Completely shit
I wanted that game very bad, but it's completely trash I loved animation although most people said it's 4 kids , but the whole game is trash , u can't choose plants they just force u 2 use some plants 4 every level , and missions they are meanless , i even didn't read quotes i just used ticked without caring, we should just stop wondering anything good from this series I still play pvz1 on steam , it's one of my best games , also i have played pvz2 it was great until they added online competitions and given u all keys at once , but it still playable, the rest of the series are shiiiiit
This is the most impressive pvz game yet it feels so clean and new with the story mode but the gameplay is the same obviously as I know but it does feel boring and not fun it has a Chinese matching game kinda feeling when playing in the actual levels with the way you have to wait if you lose all your hearts it's  just annoying and the side missions aren't really that good I'd rather play pvz2 if it's this bad for gameplay it All feels the same 4/10 fix the gameplay make it more fun or something
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