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This mobile Counter-Strike clone looks good, but it's filled with frustrating problems

This mobile Counter-Strike clone looks good, but it's filled with frustrating problems

12K View2024-02-01


Skip it, unless you’re in desperate need of a Counter-Strike 2 clone. Matr1x Fire tries to bring Counter-Strike gameplay to mobile, but it’s not entirely successful. Its visual quality and style are impressive, but the lack of originality and technical problems make it an incredibly frustrating time.


I played Matr1x Fire for two hours. I’ve played nearly a dozen matches so far, with each one lasting anywhere between nine and thirteen minutes. I stopped playing a little earlier than usual because the game got too technically frustrating and I just wasn’t having any fun with it.


• It’s Counter-Strike 2 on mobile. The only real reason anyone should play Matr1x Fire is if they can’t play Counter-Strike 2 on PC. That said, if you have other options, you should play something better like Blood Strike or Arena Breakout. I’m not a total hater of copy-paste games, but this mobile clone is terribly designed.
• Visual quality. I was actually a little surprised by how good the visuals looked in this game. Some character models look a little plastic-y, but they’re very detailed and generally impressive. The colors are vibrant, and the environments use texture and shading to make every battleground pop.


• It’s a technical mess. Matr1x Fire has so many technical issues that it’s nearly unplayable. It took forever to log in, there were mid-game crashes, and there was constant lagging. This has to be one of the worst-performing mobile shooters I’ve played in my entire life, and that’s saying a lot.
• Not original. Matr1x Fire is a blatant copy of Counter-Strike 2. It duplicates iconic maps like Dust 2 and Inferno and alters just enough to avoid copyright infringement. It also brings over basically every weapon from Counter-Strike 2, changing up the look and name just enough to make them somewhat unique.
Oh, and it doesn’t just rip off Counter-Strike 2. Matr1x Fire also copies the kill announcer animation from Valorant and the ping sound effect from Apex Legends. I’m not furious that it lifted elements from other games, but I am disappointed by the complete lack of originality. I wish the game had a little more creativity to it. Matr1x Fire could have used Counter-Strike as inspiration and made a game that wasn’t just a clone.
• Not entertaining at all. Maybe it was the technical issues, but Matr1x Fire just wasn’t fun. I love a good mobile shooter, but it just feels like the developers behind this game copied Counter-Strike 2 without thinking about how it would translate to a smaller screen. None of the map designs are optimized for mobile, so there are way too many hiding spots, boxes, and corners to check and clear. There are also nineteen weapons in total, including pistols, which overcomplicates gameplay and makes combat a little stressful.
Of course, none of this would be an issue in a PC game, because players can easily navigate areas with a mouse and keyboard and figure out weaponry pretty fast. But since this is a mobile game played on a smaller screen with much, much quicker matches, this complexity is detrimental to the game as a whole. I really tried to like this game, but it just felt like a bland clone put together with no real care.


Android via Samsung Galaxy Ultra S22 5G phone.
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They need to fix few things like aim assist and stutters and few controls if they fix these things then it will be great game in a month it will be a great game


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It also suffers from the problem of not getting any lobbies, even the few times I get one it freezes and doesn't work


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👎 Cons: Aim assist ruins the development of one's aiming skills. I guess currently the only mobile game, which is CS/Valorant type, that doesn't have aim assist function is Standoff 2 and that is what really makes that game competitive for mobile. More developers should follow that route. I am a very old Modern Combat 4 and 5 player (7 years +). So I don't like aim assist. 🎮 Gameplay:  Weapon sounds (shooting, reloading) are very pleasant to hear. The hit feedback sound and the crosshair reaction upon killing a player is very satisfying. More than Standoff 2. The feeling is close to Bloodstrike and Rainbow Six Mobile. The death, reload, shooting and changing weapons and grenades animations are done very nicely.
Karbi Steel YOUTUBE3K2024-02-10
Matr1x Fire: A hot pile of garbage.
We decided to try Matr1x Fire today, and man was it a bad Experience. The controls are horrendous to edit and sometimes doesn't even save, graphics look excruciatingly bad, the guns feel horrible, there's a lot of bugs(e.g corpses not disappearing and instead T poses), f*ck ton of bots and server issues. I mean look at this..... That model in the middle of the doorway is a corpse that didn't despawn. We all shot that mf thinking it was a player, and look at my HUD, it became so far apart. Why did they even try copying Valorant!? And Btw one of the Maps is just Dust 2 From CS(it's the map shown on the screenshot)
Matr1x fire?!
👍 Pros: Fun engaging gameplay. Gyroscope. 👎 Cons: Hit Registration isn't current too good. 3 modes. You cannot redo tutorial. Overall I played it for the first time and I'm impressed, same maps as CSGO but on mobile its quite fun. Might later provide game play. GAMEPLAY
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