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T3 Arena
DOCS Log 003: The Gatlynn Tank Disorder (GTD)

DOCS Log 003: The Gatlynn Tank Disorder (GTD)

101 View2024-02-11
Studies have shown that there are a few players amongst us that have a rare put fatal condition, Gatlynn Tank Disorder, GTD for short. GTD is a rare but fatal disorder amongst new and hardheaded players that can’t accept that Gatlynn IS NOT A TANK, and isn’t going to magically change the direction of a losing game. You will witness these players getting shit on, and suddenly change to the Gatlynn and will spray and pray in the middle of a warzone.
Things YOU can do to help:
Have a conversation with that individual that there is no vanguard symbol next to Gatlynns name.
Explain that it’s 5600 hp, not 56000 hp
Emphasize that just because she moves slow, doesn’t mean she’s a tank.
Let them get headshotted by the enemies Hua Ling to push the narrative even further if calm communication doesn’t work.

hope this helps,
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On this one...if its a bot in payload race she gets perfect accuracy, ang gets impossible to kill...did you nottice,or is it just me?


DR.TANKiᵖʰᵈ Author

I don’t play payload race enough, but I do play TDM for practice, Gatlynn bots can be a problem if you’re not paying attention. Luckily they don’t get out of that slow mode often (usually they stay in that mode the full duration of the game)🤔


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l really played race first time ,only Chemist and Gloria managed to take her down, but after painfully fight 😆


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