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T3 Arena
Before You Switch from Support to DPS

Before You Switch from Support to DPS

250 View2024-02-13
I get it, you wanted to try out support and got bodied by a braindead gloria standing in the middle of a lane. You took that death personally, and immediately switched to your DPS main of choice to teach them a lesson... this is terrible thinking for a couple reasons.

REASON 1: You'll never learn to play support if you can't put your ego aside to learn it.

REASON 2: Your team made the assumption you were going to be support and now they're not covered.

REASON 3: Depending on how much time you were on support, you could be wasting a potential support Ult for your team (This train of thought applies to any role or character, the more you switch characters the less likely you are to get to utilize an Ult for your team)

BEFORE YOU MAKE THE SWITCH! consider a few things...

THOUGHT 1: Where is your current Ult gauge? If it's over 60-70% of the way full, strongly consider utilizing it first and then switching to a DPS character on your next death.

THOUGHT 2: If the goal is to be useful, are you prepared to play a full match in hopes that someone else will see the importance of support?

THOUGHT 3: If the enemy team has a healer, they are statically more likely to win the engagement if your team doesn't have a support.

SIDE THOUGHT BUT IMPORTANT THOUGHT: If the team wasn't good enough to keep its support alive, what makes you think they can keep a rogue Gatlynn/Diggy alive?... just throwing that out there.

I don't want to discourage you from trying support, but there's a lot of weight on your shoulders for being support.

Hope this helps,
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DR.TANKiᵖʰᵈ Author

My gamer code is b6t88j



hahaha love it❤️btw I played vs you on Gloria, nice work on shooting my team dead😆


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DR.TANKiᵖʰᵈ Author

Aw man thats awesome! Hope to team up in the future☺️☺️


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