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T3 Arena
T3 arena hero concept (Support) codename: crimson heir

T3 arena hero concept (Support) codename: crimson heir

142 View2024-06-05
I notice the abundance of DPS player and severe shortage of Vanguard and especially Support player. So I decide to migrate DPS players to support.
Description : Support that plays like DPS, damaging enemies to heal teammates.
Health: 5600
Gun (Crimson SMG) : automatic, hitscan weapon with medium damage fall-off(reminiscent of Iris gun pre-rework). Damage: 280 ammo capacity: 50

Ability 1 (vital reap) : Mark a teammate, everytime you deal damage, heal that teammate(headshot gives increased healing), only 2 marks can appear simultaneously. Heal: 210 Healing multiplier: 150% Duration: ∞

Ability 2 (vital extractor) :  Shoot a grenade that leaves an area on the ground it lands, dealing damage over time and gradually increasing slow to all enemies inside the area. Damage: 126/0,1 slow: 10-30% seconds duration: 4 seconds cooldown: 12 seconds

Ultimate 1 (exultation) : your marked teammates gain lifesteal, increased damage and movement speed, lifesteal gives a percentage of its healing to teammates without the mark. Lifesteal: 80% Damage and speed boost: 20% Percentage: 50% Duration: 6 seconds

Ultimate 2 (heres pactus) : Set all teammates' total health to a percentage and temporarily prevent them from being reduced or increased. Percentage: 45% Duration: 4 seconds

Passive (Exaction)        : You get temp. Shield equal to damage dealt by your marked teammates. Damage to temp. Shield: 10% max. Temp. Shield: 1400
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