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Honor of Kings
Honor of Kings - Ginisis's Posts - TapTap

319 View2024-02-23
Ahhhhh Level infinity...
A new year a new game from developers with  garbage optimized PUBG and uninspired grinding nightmare Undawn, these guys have been making amazing game with terrible lack of care for the player base,,,,
Honor of king is just another moba game that looks exactly like mostly horrible moba in andriod device, and I'm not talking about LOL or MLBB, those are the only 2 batter moba that worth playing, but HOK is not a good moba,
If you guys don't know that Level infinity already developed a moba game that actually have batter graphics and much more detailed then HOK, and that game is called Arena of Valor,
Before even thinking about this game let's just me talk about little bit of arena of valor,
it's a dead game with with bot lobby, that game actually looks batter then mobile Legends, but Play exactly like this abomination,
Honor of hero is not a bad game in terms of gameplay or controls, but the developers are actually bad, and the way they have been creating high quality games and then just abandoning the game and there player community is the issue, and that's the reason  why playing  honor of king so horrible experience,
The matchmaking is the biggest issue in every moba game, Lol matchmaking is garbage, MLBB matchmaking is little batter, and all of other moba game just throw u with bots and toxic team mates, so just like every other moba Honor of King also have this exact problem, most of the time it feel like you're playing with bots, and when you do end up playing with a human they are literally extremely toxic they don't care about winning they don't care about objective they don't care about teamplay, and I'm talking about gold rank match..
And again It is just a common problem in moba games, but other games developer's created ways for people to be forced to play with the team If someone is a toxic they will be punished and because of that many assholes don't be an asshole, because they know if they become asshole they will be banned or mute and also lose points, and it takes longer for them to join another game and even if they do join it will be with same type of toxic player,,
But here there is no such thing and that's why people will bully u if u even ask them to not steal ur buff,
There is large variety of heroes in this game just like usual moba fashion, but usually heroes are just created without any thoughts it's just they pump out so many heroes, as quickly as possible and because of that many heroes are just completely useless, Even with some of them are really good skills still they are just useless in front of OP broken heroes, mostly marksman are extremely unbalanced in this game, and tank just won't die, and tank are also strangely very strong even with all the defense item they deal lots of damage which is just hilarious, specially if a tank and Marksman are together it's impossible to win mostly because you will not going to have a human tank in your team, infect your will have a bot,,
And the worse thing is that Tank with defense item will still kill you if you just ignore them which is hilarious, tank have so much damage they will literally keep spamming the skill and  stun you, and even if you have all the five inventory slots your  jungle with all damage item a tank just won't die, In fact the tank will kill you if you try to 1v1 most of the time lol, and because of that the game is just not fun to play as a jungler unless you have one-sided team, not to mention everyone is just stealing your buff without any punishment you are doomed if you don't have a good team, and that's the big problem what I was talking about player experience, and the other problem is there is no way to ambush side lanes, map are really long and character are very slow and cause of this dilemma any character with a good movement speed in a quick teleport or blink or dagger or flicker or whatever you call it will have a huge advantage, and that's basically every marksman, also some junglers,
Anyway If I sit here talk about the unbalancing issue I would be writing a book lol,,,
Overall it's a pretty good game with extreme balance issue mostly heros  are useless with pretty good design and some with generic design, and thank are extremely tanky some of the fighters are tank and they are just comboing the living shit out of the people, I didn't play with Madge myself so I'm not sure how good mages are, but I did play with Marksmans and I did see the difference, 
My favorite lane are  jungle or fighter also I play as tank but I didn't try even once in this game because it's just very cheep,  I also play mage and Marksman but not that much because mostly game mage and Marksman are just very cheap and easy, but in this game the easy mode also have another easy mode which you can just unlock by picking a marksman,
Marksman are extremely extremely powerful in this game, and because of that anyone who is markman feel superiority and they will start stealing all the buff even they will steal all the gold no one can even earn gold if a marksman in is a lane, it's just a frustrating nightmare but for some reason I'm still playing it I don't know for how long to be honest and I don't have any hope from in level Infinity these guys sucks,
Undawn was such a huge disappointment for me, so I'm not sure they will fix this game but I will be playing it for now until I lost my mind with bots and toxic player 😂😂
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Joella (Joellasylvia71)
Joella (Joellasylvia71)

Exactly the map is too big, the minions too slow. Junglers don't know what they're doing and everyone else steals farm. Gold takes too long to get. Game will end with people only having 3 items...the entire game is fricking unbalanced trash


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Ginisis Author

the heros of this games are actually just copy past from arena of valor, In fact the entire game is just a reskin of that game, so the Dave don't care about flare base or fixing any problems,


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Droneras DM
Droneras DM

Arena of Valor and hok is tha same game Hok is the Chinese version


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Ginisis Author

really!? but both are available with different names lol, and it actually making much more sense to me because AOV is exactly the same game but it has batter graphics and details


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Arena of valor is another game by Level Infinite, these guys are so desperate to ripoff anything that is famous or trending, every single game developed by Level Infinite is just a copy of a batter game or a trash game, the only goal of there game is to make a trash game and put pay wall in it, Arena of valor is also another example of there trash game, I have been playing Lol (wild Rift) (Mobile legends) and this this nightmare Arena of valor, the only reason I'm doing this is because I wanted to figure out which is the best Moba game on smart phone, lol wild rift is also a very disappointing game since it requires so much bullshit VPN to even install, and mobile legends which I always though is worse turn out to be much batter moba game, and this garbage is so basic that people are selecting heros and spamming he same skills from the start of the game until the end, no strategy no item nothing can work if the hero is cheep it is cheep no matter what, this game has such a trash AI that player will say anything and then they report you and then will get banned because of the report, the game crash and then ur banned because of leaving a match,
Arena of valor is another game by Level Infinite, these guys are so desperate to ripoff anything that is famous or trending, every single game developed by Level Infinite is just a copy of a batter game or a trash game, the only goal of there game is to make a trash game and put pay wall in it, Arena of valor is also another example of there trash game, I have been playing Lol (wild Rift) (Mobile legends) and this this nightmare Arena of valor, the only reason I'm doing this is because I wanted to figure out which is the best Moba game on smart phone, lol wild rift is also a very disappointing game since it requires so much bullshit VPN to even install, and mobile legends which I always though is worse turn out to be much batter moba game, and this garbage is so basic that people are selecting heros and spamming he same skills from the start of the game until the end, no strategy no item nothing can work if the hero is cheep it is cheep no matter what, this game has such a trash AI that player will say anything and then they report you and then will get banned because of the report, the game crash and then ur banned because of leaving a match, This game is worse then LoL wild rift when it comes to simple okay style, all u need is to just press 3 skills, just like in lol wild rift, just use the skill you die or enemy die, And people compare these garbage with Dota 2, and I don't believe I'm saying this,, but these trash game can't even reach the mobile legend, Which is hilarious since I always trash mobile legend when I use to play Vainglory,,
Honor of Kings (English) - MOBA Official Launch Gameplay (Android/iOS)
Honor of Kings (English) - MOBA Official Launch Gameplay (Android/iOS) Most-played mobile MOBA Honor of kings is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed by Tencent Games. It has gained immense popularity worldwide. The game is available on Brazil Region on 8th, March 2023. It's available on both iOS and Android devices, you can also play it on PC by downloading a simulator. The game features a wide range of heroes with different skills, backgrounds, and personalities. No matter if you master the Tank, Warrior, Assassin, Mage, Marksman, or Support, anyone can be the MVP. Each hero has a unique backstory and amazing skills, players will have a legendary stories to explore.
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