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Plants vs. Zombies™ 3
Plants vs. Zombies™ 3 - Jay's Posts - TapTap

30 View2024-02-25
I love the game yet I think it's really repetitive with the the same couple of plants and the fact that you can't choose them sucks and I feel that in some levels it's way too reliant on power ups (like lv 116). I personally  think they should make it a bit more like pvz 2 in some ways I love the difficulty. (just make it less reliant on power ups.) And maybe some easter eggs here and there plus advancements and endless it would be great! I like the game story alot and how you can choose different appearances for stuff. Love the game
PS: make it less reliant on powerups
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147 levels later (and lots of frustration) it's done... What I want to be changed: I want to be able to choose my own plants for each level or at least most of them. I want the difficulty system fixed ( some normal levels are harder than the Hard entitled levels) I want more plants from the previous games (seriously the number of plants is very limited compared to even PvZ 1) The amount of boosters is generous as it should be (keep it that way)
Shadow X3422024-02-03
I love the art style. The music is great! The gameplay is timeless. And offers multiple things to do after you complete the main storyline. It’s simplicity balances for casual and competitive players alike. I’ve seen people who barely play games pick this up and love it. I find myself searching for different plant combinations for fun. Although not as big as pvz2. It’s charming. Original. And nostalgic
7 Levels in... I'm disappointed
I had just finished the 7th level, and it feels... Weird. 👍 Pros - The animations are BEAUTIFUL, I love the bounciness of the plants. 👎 Cons - I really don't get the need to make it so "mobile game-y" with the heart system and linear level system. It feels very lame, and overall hinders the traditional PvZ experience - Why is there a need to force you for which plants you must choose? The core of PvZ was making different plant teams and strategies for different levels.
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