I am only level 30 account but here's my experience so far.
🎮 Gameplay: The average standard Mobile MOBA. Nothing super special about the basis of the game itself but the heroes are interesting and not really just a "copy" from another MOBA heroes/champions. Here's a quick pros and cons for those coming from MLBB.
👍 Pros: I haven't encountered any heroes that I absolutely cannot counter yet. From my perspective, either we fail miserably as a team or I just have skill issue whenever we lose not because certain heroes are absolutely broken. Maybe someone on the top rank matches can correct me on this.
👍 Pros: the Learning Curve in this MOBA is definitely higher than MLBB since their "safety nets" are much less so the heroes definitely felt less braindead.
👍 Pros: Events gives out free skins and some of them are Epic tiers with new effects and voicelines. Also GRINDABLE MYTHIC SKINS (emphasis on grindable) exist. They are equal level to MLBB's Legendary Skins which are paid only.
👍 Pros: The "Lord" works different than MLBB. Instead of one singular tower destroyer, they instead spawns little dragons with AoE damage to minions on all three lanes and provide some extra buffs. So there's more incentive to go for jungle objectives other than just a free pusher.
👍 Pros: The "Emblem" system or the Arcana are much complex compared to MLBB so you can really tryout multiple Arcana builds. That being said its really just recommended that follow their optimal builds for each heroes.
Truth be told, other than probably some occasional bugs. I don't see any cons in the game. The heroes felt balanced and the game is fun. Prices for skins are fair (compared to other MOBA games if you are into skins) and the only issue is really just how you your team play it. That's the only 'make or break' the game from my perspective.
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