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Slash & Girl
▶️The April update of "Slash & Girl" is now online with the new magician character!👀

▶️The April update of "Slash & Girl" is now online with the new magician character!👀

2K View2024-03-26

Pay attention, DON’T BLINK!

April Fool's limited edition set. "Phantom" controls magical powers, creating endless surprises in the game. Her mysterious and eerie aura makes her unpredictable.
🤹‍♀️The masterful magician, Phantom is here! Please pay attention to every detail. Is this really magic or just an illusion?

New weapon preview👀:

Fate poker.  Every swing reveals different suits and lights, using the edges of the cards to defeat evil.

Welfare set

This update introduces a new character, Baby Elephant. As a welfare gift for free!

New changes in the Black Hole:

The adorable antagonist Miss brings a 50% discount for everyone! The Black Hole super welfare, special offer! Hopefully everyone can get their favorite set.

Bingo Squad new feature:

Introducing the X10 multiplier!  Ten times the happiness, ten times the excitement~

April Fool's Easter egg

Every year on April Fool's, the developer left an Easter egg in the game at random.
Good Luck~
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Jhunior (Jhun)
Jhunior (Jhun)

how can i receive the image in high quality to obtain the weapon ?



marc nghoko3
marc nghoko3

Hi. Hope you can help me with is issue that sunnygames couldn't. I'm not happy with what you've done but I love the game. please sort out the problem I have which isn't solved 😔. I bought a weapon that offered an extra free ATK and didn't receive it. it happened when the weapon's description wasn't changed even after updating for every event. I can't be told that the was an error because it should have been announced and also, other players got that free ATK and I don't like Y😭😭. all I want is that free ATK please or compensate me with a weapon and clothes of my choice, I want the Lux set which I previously had fully completed and couldn't retrieve it.



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