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Pixel Heroes: Tales of Emond
Pixel Heroes: Tales of Emond - Dave Greyson's Posts - TapTap

161 View2024-03-30
Some overly aggressive monetization. Skins are 70 cad. Some passes are overly expensive too. That said, this game is very f2p friendly thus far. Artwork is spot on. Gameplay is smooth. Some level locks are a bit annoying. And reverting starred heroes is locked behind paywall. Gacha rates can be frustrating, but pulls are plentiful from normal play and events.
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Great game, but held back by matchmaking, connectivity, and pricing.
As a f2p, this game is great. Short, sweet matches. Excellent cast of characters, balancing issues aside. Fun game modes. Perhaps the best part about the gameplay is that it isnt all about headshots. Sadly, this game hurts from constant power level mismatches. A level 1 character can go up against a level 7 character, which is a difference in power that is hard to overcome without outright losing the game. The connectivity is also spotty, so u'll have to fight lag too. I suspect that the server tick rate is low because I've often found myself dying from behind cover.
🎮 Gameplay: You have to grind a lot to be able to make progress and not feel overpowered while playing. You must also spend your in game currencies wisely as it's almost impossible to upgrade all your characters to match your best hero, some offers are also not worth buying whether your using real money or in game currencies. Every character is unique in some way so it makes it fun to play any character of your choice.
Gameplay is not bad. Has console based graphics. Different multiple player modes, daily/weekly objectives, and tier ranking system. Not much of a award based system. Epic and legendary skins can only be obtained by paying which can lead to the downfall of this game becoming popular. It is fun, but you have to pay to play competitively.   
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