MITA is developed by Dr. A. Vyshedskiy, a neuroscientist at Boston University
MITA is an early intervention app for children with autism, developmental delays, and learning disabilities. The app includes lively, interactive puzzles designed to help children mentally integrate multiple objects, a skill that has implications for overall learning. Using MITA could enable significant improvements in a child's overall development, particularly in the areas of language, attention and visual skills. The language and cognitive therapy exercises proposed in the MITA can be used by children with language delay, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), pervasive developmental disorder (EDD), intellectual and developmental disability, trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) and other neurodevelopmental disorders as an adjunct to conventional speech therapy.
THE SCIENCE BEHIND THE PROJECT: A child's ability to notice and respond to multiple visual cues presented simultaneously is the most critical. This ability is typically impaired in individuals with autism, leading to what is commonly described as 'stimulus overselectivity' or 'tunnel vision'. Research that improving the ability to respond to multiple cues reduces stimulus overselectivity, which in turn leads to dramatic improvements in overall learning. On the manufacturer's website there are articles and theoretical insights.
FEATURES: • Each game is adaptive and offers exercises corresponding to the appropriate difficulty level for the child at that given moment. • Game selection is adaptive. New games will be automatically selected based on your child's performance. • The simple 'drag-and-drop' mechanism makes it easy for children to select and move objects. • Structured approach to cognitive exercises, with 6 games that children can complete each day before getting a fun reward at the end of their daily exercises. • Animated characters and playtime will keep your child engaged while learning and having fun. • The availability of various game themes will allow your child to choose the one that attracts him most. • Every child will love the intuitive and simple interface with attractive graphics • There is no advertising.
MITA is an absolutely safe platform for children - there is no possibility of contacting the child from outside.