
Games worth discovering

Rocket League® Sideswipe
Rocket League Sideswipe - Ahmedio's Posts - TapTap

85 View2024-04-04
Really one of the best pvp games I’ve seen on mobile, unfortunately developers stopped caring about the game (probably due to it being completely f2p with no content purchasable whatsoever, lol) resulting in no update for a few months now and less people playing, making the lobby empty and matchmaking longer than what it used to be.
If you don’t mind the lack of updates and up to a minute waiting time, go for it.
Fast based pvp game where you should know your controls and mechanics, knowing the position of all cars and the ball nearly always, and a bit stressful game at higher ranks. Would recommend it to anyone wishing for competitiveness and self improvement game wise.
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Super fun game, close to playing GTA V RP. It's totally worth having as far as a mobile game. Fun & keeps u occupied, & it's totally free online or offline, but best to play online & join their discord server.
Best game on mobile, Easy and fun to play. The graphics are absolutely phenomenal for mobile games, it doesn’t even look like a mobile game. I like the ability to buy guns to make you better at the game. Similar to Modern Combat Versus, this game has the feature to unlock more characters (Primes). Easily one of the best games on the App Store
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good game. Real RTS adapted for mobile world. Kinda easy to learn base mechanic's but game a bit hardcore in gameplay over  all. Pvp games require skill to compete at middle ranks. You barely win if dont have any strategy ideas about how to play  battles.
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