
Games worth discovering

Whisper of Shadow
Maybe in the future it might worth revisiting

Maybe in the future it might worth revisiting

773 View2024-04-08
Unique mapping
In my 1st pull, I got 2 Heroic(gold) characters and rest elite(purple) not bad
Each time before you enter a dungeon you can select the team that you will have with you
Each time you kill an enemy loot is showing up in nearby tiles
There are some interesting rewards in 7 days log in
I can't show the whole map but is very big with a lot of stuff to do
The story is less than passable just something to have in the game
Fighting is full on auto mode
Where we only see the  monsters of the first battle and bosses.All the rest are auto with tap
If you go and see the gacha rate for Heroics starts with 0.25% all the way to 0.0083%
You have a one day free trial of the subscription after than that 5 euros per month they don't seem as a great deal
If you wanna pass your time it's alright but not for long
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Cons 1)66 rares , 58 elites & 58 legendary heroes #You can only get legendary heroes with yellow dice which has a 3% drop chance , now if you seeking a specific character it has a drop chance of 0.05% #purple dice you cant get legendary and Epics (purple) are 3% drop rate , this includes you getting tons of commons and rares. 2)daily level cap #1st day gets you to lvl 10 , 2nd day 14 , 3rd day 16 , see where this is going , day 3 will be lvl 18 .
The game is very unique and fun
Pros I love the animations and the characters The maps are nice and well made Every time you start a 'new game' you start with the basic squad and you rebuild it from scratch after every fight you can select one hero from the camp selection hero/stalker/swordman/apostle and more After you use all your AP a day pass The music is enjoyable as well You can lvl heroes before entering the adventure but you can't know if you will dine them to recruit them
Bill Nature5962024-04-20
It's worth a try but not my kind of taste Pros You start the game with a certain character but you can change as you progress the game The graphics are cute and alright You gain lvl and points to upgrade your stats You can add more characters to the team but we have to unlock them You return anytime you want from the missions There is a variety of  missions(last one is kill the certain boss for the area ) assassinations,hostage rescued etc
Bill Nature1122024-02-27
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