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T3 Arena
T3 Arena - Anti-Troll's Posts - TapTap

135 View2024-04-18
Vanguard it is your job to protect your team.
Provide shield. Help them in 1v1’s.
Move around and be aware of the battles happening around you.
Never let your support get jumped or chased down by the enemy Vanguard.
Support it is your job to heal the team and support your tank. Similar to Vanguard help teammates in 1v1’s. Get out of the line of fire!!!! Move around and keep your position unpredictable to avoid becoming a target.
Damage be smart. Don’t be out in the open to get mowed down by Gloria. Duh. Get health packs! Don’t reuse the same positioning after respawn. Once your position has been compromised MOVE. For the love of God use the shields provided by your vanguard.
You don’t always have to pursue kills. Why risk it for a battle that doesn’t help the win? Focus on the objective. Have restraint in ALL roles.
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Well said,I like how u emphasize the damage role



Simple is that(obviously not to everyone 🤔🤣🤣🤣)!



Well as a tank main I agree that sometimes I do flank but thats because our damage don't dont do their job but yeah tell them man


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