Switch 2 in 2024? Experts think the next generation Nintendo console will be out later this year
There hasn’t been an official announcement yet, but it looks like the next Nintendo console will be here soon. Dr. Serkan Toto, a game analyst known for his Nintendo insights, is predicting that the Switch 2 will be released in 2024. Toto also has some forecasts for what the new console will cost: he thinks it’ll drop at $400, with a $70 price tag for games.
That said, if you’re hoping for a major hardware upgrade, you might want to get your expectations in check. “Nintendo might add some bells and whistles, but it will be similar to the current Switch,” says Toto. “There is no way on earth Nintendo will drop the portability feature for their next big thing.”
TapTap News4292024-01-06
It needs to at least have graphics and better performance like something like the ps5. Or else Nintendo might still be at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to graphics and limitations of modern games
Doubtful. Probably an upgrade over the switch most definitely. Nintendo doesn't have to compete the same as Sony and Microsoft. They will sell systems no matter what. Can't get Zelda and Mario elsewhere.