Events Wuthering limited time (OUTDATE)
The brand new open-world ARPG, Wuthering Waves, is upcoming. Participate in the event to win the 5-Star Echo, Astrite, and other amazing rewards! #WutheringWaves
Event link:
Event Duration: 2024/04/29 - 2024/06/06 18:00 (UTC+8)
Wuthering Waves Echoes:
QQlinux (龍山ID)🇮🇩2K2024-04-29
Thanks for sharing this! Super informative haha
Yup. Whats the point of getting rewards if youre not gonna play? Theyre literally giving two 5★ characters and some 4★ and 5★ weapons. Theres no need to reroll, is there? But that aside, thanks for sharing! I really cant wait to get Sanhua! I was soooo freakin' excited when they announced she would be given for free! Shes my favorite character so far. ✦.✦