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Arena Breakout: Realistic FPS
The most honest review Arena Breakout

The most honest review Arena Breakout

2K View2024-05-24
For those who are too lazy to read :
Gameplay 10/10
Graphics 10/10  (I don't have the best phone, but still)
Management 10/10
Replay value 9/10
Realism 12/10
Now for more details:
Let's be clear, this is a game, it's pure Escape from Tarkov, with all its pros and cons
This is an extremely leisurely and sophisticated combat simulator that is addictive if you like that kind of thing.
The weapon does not always feel pleasant, but in any case it is very realistic (the only thing is that not all guns have a pleasant sound)
But overall shooting satisfies my needs
Also, everyone knows that the game is hardcore, and the developers too, so they constantly reward you with rewards for every rustle, as if they are afraid that after an unsuccessful round you will quit the game and go write an angry review
Therefore, even skill issue players will not be so angry about defeats
Also what can't be ignored is great gunporn
This game has incredible customization of weapons, which personally allows me to assemble one monster more uglier than another
My verdict... 9/11
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Simon Riley
Simon Riley

"ThE mOsT hoNeSt RevIeWs"



Alaokta Author

that's the point... cuz it's not like that... like, "haha" u know


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helooo amigos , contrôler ps or x box ok ? thanks amigos


Alaokta Author

I thĩnk the xbox côntŕôller is bètter amigo yoůr welcome amiĝo


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but you forgot to talk about situations like you shot 60 rounds to the enemy's legs and he's still ok


Alaokta Author

these are Tarkov conventions the same as, for example, armor-piercing cartridges that one-shot, but they are expensive and ordinary ones, which are cheaper but ineffective (бля "Олег", идеальный ник)


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My first impression is this game gameplay is just like arena breakout, that we has to shoot and loot, but in this game we has to attack not shoot ( even the crossbow guy shoots arrow), when i first playing this game the Graphics is so blurry, but actually its really has neat Graphics, and a chalengging match cuz i nearly lose, its made this game is so fun, my rating is 10/10
Arena Breakout First Impressions
MY OVERALL SCORE 7/10 Escape from Tarkov meets mobile is pretty much the best way to summarize this game. It features pretty much everything Tarkov does but on a mobile device. My biggest complaint is the controls. Hopefully with some improved controls and full controller support the game will be an easy must play The persistent characters and action-packed gameplay of Arena Breakout make it a game you’ll want to play for weeks, months, and years. Step into the massive arenas to scavenge items and collect awesome loot to upgrade your character with. Anything you pick up is yours forever however, the hard part is getting it home before someone puts their crosshairs on you! Arena Breakout is more than a simple loot shooter. Staying alive isn’t just about blasting bullets, you’ve also got to stave off hunger, stop bleeding wounds, and deal with injured limbs.
The user has deleted the account8K2022-11-15
Fucking love this game, can piss me off sometimes though. The visuals are wonderful. (there's this option in the graphics settings called "Gorgeous" enable it, makes the game look like an AI generated image.) I give some tips at the end of this review btw ;) (highly recommend getting a Backbone controller, it's a phone accessory that makes your phone look like a Nintendo switch, has some issues but it makes aiming so much easier, and since the TTK (Time To Kill) is so fast its for sure worth it, and the touchscreen controls are pretty bad like most mobile shooters)
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