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Zombie Hunter 2
Zombie Hunter 2 - gabe's Posts - TapTap

373 View2024-06-09
Good gameplay, the story is somewhat nonexistent and the graphics could use a bit more post processing. Seems promising.
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+ Gameplay looks decent + The story seems okay, nothing overwhelming or anything, but acceptably good - I had very low framerates (~10) with low texture/graphics quality at max settings while my phone was hardly doing anything. Very underwhelming sadly
The game is pretty good, but there are still many shortcomings, such as force close during gameplay, not very smooth character animations, some stories have no sound, the graphics are decent but there are some flaws. The game is quite interesting because it's an action RPG, and maybe the developer can improve these shortcomings.
I am very impressed with the game, graphics and mechanics are good along with the story line. The voice acting is a little cheesy, lol. I haven't put too much time into the game so I can't say a whole lot.
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