
Games worth discovering

Cassette Beasts
The game doesn’t look much but it’s very good worth a try

The game doesn’t look much but it’s very good worth a try

256 View2025-01-18
The story is alright somehow you end up in a beach and you try to return home while recording monster’s and  getting stamp’s from Ranger’s. Plus we can obtain more quest’s to do
Music blends great with the atmosphere
The game it’s not hard but if you are not careful you will make your life hard without reason
Many different aspect’s like (from the other catching game)
I)Fusion between your 2 character’s your monster is on another level
ii)Remaster evolve’s your monster (you need to get 5 stars and rest for it to happen)
iii)There is not money currency you just trade recycled resources for items
iv)No MP we have AP which mean’s it’s not full at the start of the turn it get’s regenated 2 per turn or 4(in fusion)
When a monster dies your character’s HP get’s reduced and if someone attack’s the specific character before they summon another one the damage go directly to the character
Resting is not easy you can only do it in the café of the city or in campfire’s
Each of the companion’s you meet they have their own monster
3 Save slot’s
Demo it’s kinda small stop before you meet the 2nd companion you can with you(Eugene)
We don’t’s level up the monster but the character’s overall level which is good if bored of grinding for different monster’s
Eugene is kinda disturbing after you help him he gives you a key to open rooftop’s ?What?!(Its for the quests but still)
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yo does this work on mobile now?


Bill Nature
Bill Nature Author

Yeah it's officially out


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