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Annulus News

Annulus News

ANNULUS | Closed beta test coming on May 16 !

「ANNULUS 」 is a chess game inspired by medieval knights and wars, incorporating dark fantasy elements to build a magnificent, epic worldview. You will begin your journey as a mercenary regiment commander, cultivating mercenaries and collecting weapons and other resources with unique attributes. To survive in this dark world, you must shatter the shackles of fate and regain your glories as you forge a new destiny for you and your regiment.
ANNULUS | Closed beta test coming on May 16 !

See you tomorrow at 8:00 AM (UTC-4 AST)

See you tomorrow at 8:00 AM (UTC-4 AST)

Continental Chronicles of Novusaes——Race Archives:Elezen

Continental Chronicles of Novusaes: History of Elf Race The Laatinu, or elves as they were known, once lived with the humans in the Old World and came with them to Novusaes during the Great Migration. Despite their traumas and tribulations, the elves retained their traditions in this new land—studying sorcery and taming beasts. In addition, their mastery of the healing arts made them an indispensable force in the early days of the pioneers, and earned them respect and admiration of other intelligent races.
Continental Chronicles of Novusaes——Race Archives:Elezen

Annulus Reviews

Continental Chronicles of Novusaes: History of Human Race
Legends of Dark Conquest: A Captivating Review of Annulus
Annulus - A Tactical Turn-Based Mobile Strategy Game

Continental Chronicles of Novusaes: Hyena Mercenaries

Hyena, prowling in the shadows, was a mercenary regiment led by only five men. Wandering in Klamig Forest, the regiment was either drawn or scorned by the forces of both the north and south, later recruited deliberately by the alliance. The Hyena Mercenaries, originally known as the Hentan Mercenaries, whose members mostly were outlaws who knifed their way through the Klamig Forest. They thought that the word “hyena”, the predator who could both fight alone and hunt in packs, fit their definition of themselves better than any other. It just so happened that Wade Sathiene's family crest was the wild hyena, so these mercenaries adopted their leader's family symbol as the team's badge.
Continental Chronicles of Novusaes: Hyena Mercenaries

ANNULUS - CBT Launch on May 16 - May 23, 2023!

Annulus is a dark strategy turn based RPG mobile game. It is finally going to have its CBT launch on May 16 up until May 23. Initially, the CBT launch was planned to start on May 11 but now it has been delayed to May 16. Prepare yourself for an amazing gameplay experience in the universe of Annulus! I am pretty excited for this game. How about you?
ANNULUS - CBT Launch on May 16 - May 23, 2023!

Community welfare on the sixth day of North American closed beta

[Gift Code] Dear commander, welcome to your arrival. Here's a Day 6 Community Pack for you OFK5555 ♦ How to get a gift code? 1. Follow “ANNULUS” facebook page/twitter account/discord server, We will distribute gift codes via these three platforms. 2. Join“ANNULUS” community events. Like, share, and comment on our event posts. ♦ How to use the gift code? Enter the game - click on the avatar - click on the gift button in the lower left corner - enter the gift code."
Community welfare on the sixth day of North American closed beta

Prize invitation activities

Within 48 hours from now on become the commander of our discord server and invite 3 or more friends to join our discord server to become the commander. You can get in-game props - 10 cups of mulled wine. And draw 3 users who complete the task to get an Amazon shopping card worth $15. Notice: 1、Your friends must enter the Discord server through your invite link in order for your invites to be counted
Prize invitation activities

Continental Chronicles of Novusaes: A Treacherous Epic of Chaos

The ambition of the southerners for territory and the desire of the northerners for survival led to a centuries-long tug-of-war between them along the boundary. This was the inescapable doom of the continent with the chaos of zealots’ orgy. At the turn of spring and winter in 1096, the power of the empire passed from the emperor to the pope, and divine authority took hold of the south. In the summer of 1099, the pope set fire of war to the boundary between north and south, and the rumors of "purge of faith" was spread among beggars, commoners and nobles. The wisdom of the so-called "god" and the forbidden power twisted the bodies and souls of soldiers. The orgy of the faithful signified the end of the continent, and the war left Novusaes riddled with scars.
Continental Chronicles of Novusaes: A Treacherous Epic of Chaos

ANNULUS North America Closed Beta Test Begins Today!

Commanders, let's join the battles of the Novusaes continent! Follow our official Twitter/Facebook/Discord account and repost this post for a chance to win a $15 Amazon gift card! ♦ Facebook: ♦ Twitter: ♦ Discord: ♦ Download Link:
ANNULUS North America Closed Beta Test Begins Today!

ANNULUS concept CG 「Scars And Bread」

ANNULUS is a turn-based strategy game developed and published by Indrasoft. Built using UE4 technology, ANNULUS combines medieval warfare with Cthulhu style fantasy to form a compelling and challenging strategy game offering. You will begin you journey as a mercenary regiment commander. As you survive and conquer the ever-turbulent Novusaes, you will inevitably uncover the depths and the darkness of its true history.
ANNULUS  concept CG 「Scars And Bread」

Continental Chronicles of Novusaes: The Battle of the Three Powers

As the sun rose and set over and over again, more than a thousand years had passed since the survivors set foot on the continent of Novusaes. Unlike the northern kingdoms, which had long been divided, the mighty Empire of Guthandushad began to move towards centralisation. The Emperor, Oir, issued a series of decrees in a bid to bring power scattered throughout the empire back to the centre by forceful means. Not surprisingly, the decrees were met with strong resistance from the nobility, most notably from the head of the nobility in the Costa area, Duke of Poedilea, Hugh Lanse, who held the largest fief in the Empire and led the most powerful force.
Continental Chronicles of Novusaes: The Battle of the Three Powers

Continental Chronicles: Prophecy and Beliefs

On the continent of Novuseas, both northerners and southerners desired to be free from cyclic suffering and to be reborn, which gave rise to two different beliefs. Today the Continental Chronicles will take you on a journey through the history of both beliefs, using the prophecy in the Hohweall Notes as a guide. The Prophecy About Cyclic Wolrd The earliest record of prophecy, the Hohweall Notes, written by Gardo Desenbyd, a survivor of the Old World, was regarded as a sacred canon by all the people in Norvusaes. In his book, he recounted his own experience of the catastrophe of the Old World, describing in detail the catastrophe that occured because of divine intervention. He assumed that the world was manipulated by God's will, cycling between destruction and rebirth, and drew the conclusion that the destruction that was experienced in the past would be repeated in the next world cycle. His realistic descriptions of personal experiences combined with the unforgettable tragedy of  history gave credence to the prophecy recorded in the Hohweall Notes.
Continental Chronicles: Prophecy and Beliefs

Continental Chronicles of Novusaes: The Aldans Alliance

The four kingdoms of the northern continent of Novuseas had been at war for centuries: the oldest Kingdom of Arere, the Kingdom of Baraigne in the far north, the Kingdom of Islette surrounded by two mountains, and the relatively richest Kingdom of Nortouahe. Of these, the elves and orcs shared the rule of Nortouahe, while the remaining three kingdoms were all dominated by humans. The borders of the four kingdoms were intertwined, and there were constant conflicts and wars between them over resources and territory. But for some geographical and historical reasons, these four countries maintained a delicate balance.
Continental Chronicles of Novusaes: The Aldans Alliance

ANNULUS North America Beta Test FAQ

Dear Commanders: The war on the continent of Novusaes is about to begin. Are you ready for your journey to Novusaes? The following information will be helpful with your exploration in Novusaes. Please check it carefully: Q1: What is the format of this test? A1:This test is for the Android version,  CBT with a time limit and no charge. Q2: What is the test time? A2:Download time:2023/5/16 04:00(AST)
ANNULUS  North America Beta Test FAQ

North America Closed Beta Test Community welfare on the second day

[Gift Code] Dear commander welcome to your arrival. Here's a first-day 2 community pack for you OFK1111 ♦ How to get a gift code? 1. Follow “ANNULUS” facebook page/twitter account/discord server, We will distribute gift codes via these three platforms. 2. Join“ANNULUS” community events. Like, share, and comment on our event posts. ♦ How to use the gift code? Enter the game - click on the avatar - click on the gift button in the lower left corner - enter the gift code."
North America Closed Beta Test Community welfare on the second day

Continental Geography: Baraigne, Land of Greed&Islette, Land of Craftsmen

Good day to you, Commander. Previously, we unveiled the mystery of the Guthandus Empire and also saw the sharp edge of its ambition hidden beneath its prosperity, with its sword targeting the Northern Alliance. Are you curious about what the four northern kingdoms were like before forming the alliance? Today, the Continental Chronicles of Novusaes will tell the story of two of the four kingdoms—Baraigne, the land of greed, and Isettle, the land of craftsmen.
Continental Geography: Baraigne, Land of Greed&Islette, Land of Craftsmen

Community welfare on the third day of North American closed beta

[Gift Code] Dear commander, welcome to your arrival. Here's a Day 3 Community Pack for you OFK2222 ♦ How to get a gift code? 1. Follow “ANNULUS” facebook page/twitter account/discord server, We will distribute gift codes via these three platforms. 2. Join“ANNULUS” community events. Like, share, and comment on our event posts. ♦ How to use the gift code? Enter the game - click on the avatar - click on the gift button in the lower left corner - enter the gift code."
Community welfare on the third day of North American closed beta

【Patch Notes 】

Dear commanders: We decided to optimize the following content - 1. Optimize CG video; 2. Unlock the novice guide; There will be an expected 30-minute downtime for maintenance at 10:00 on May 17th. 🙏Sorry for the inconvenience, we will send compensation via email. 💪Thank you for your support and understanding! 📌Compensation: Dragon scales *200

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