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Diablo® IV News

Diablo® IV News

Diablo® IV Pre-Loads Begin on May 30th for All Platforms

It's out on June 5th, 4 PM PST, for Standard Edition players. Deluxe and Ultimate Edition owners can start on June 1st, 4 PM PST. Blizzard Entertainment’s Diablo 4 is nearly upon us, with Deluxe and Ultimate Edition owners getting early access. However, regardless of the edition owned, pre-loads begin on May 30th at 4 PM PDT for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5 and PC. On Battle.net, players must search for the game on their All Games page or go to its page, select the Game Version and then hit install. It will become playable once it launches. Xbox and PlayStation owners should navigate to its page on the Xbox Store or PlayStation Store and download it.Early access starts on June 1st at 4 PM PST, which can vary based on one’s region. For Standard Edition owners, the game is available on June 5th at 4 PM PST.
Diablo® IV Pre-Loads Begin on May 30th for All Platforms
Diablo® IV
Diablo® IV

Diablo 4 Gets Week-Long Free Trial on PC, Consoles Until November 28

Players can check out Diablo 4 for free, but will not be able to make progress beyond level 20 without buying the game. Along with making Diablo 4 available at a 40 percent discount as part of Steam’s recent Autumn sale, Blizzard is also making all versions of the game available to play for free on all platforms until November 28. This means that players can check out the game with zero commitments for an entire week. As part of the free trial, players can check out Diablo 4, including support for full co-op and crossplay. The big limitation as part of the trial is that players will not be able to progress beyond level 20. That progress that players do make, however, will be carried over into the full version of the game should players decide to make the purchase. Coinciding with the free week-long trial is the Mother’s Blessing event in Diablo 4, which essentially gives all players a 35 percent multiplicative bonus to all XP and Gold they earn while playing until November 27. The additional XP and Gold applies to Eternal and Seasonal Realms, and all World Tiers. The bonus also stacks with Elixers and the Urn of Experience.
Diablo 4 Gets Week-Long Free Trial on PC, Consoles Until November 28
Diablo® IV
Diablo® IV

Diablo IV | Midwinter Blight: Limited-Time Event runs from December 12, 2023 to January 2, 2024.

Launching on 12/12, this event will be playable through the new year until 1/2/2024. Don't miss it!
Diablo IV | Midwinter Blight: Limited-Time Event runs from December 12, 2023 to January 2, 2024.
Diablo® IV
Diablo® IV

Diablo® IV Reviews

Diablo IV's third season is really boring. Why is Blizzard afraid to let players have fun?
Diablo 4 - Season 3/Chain Lightning Sorc/Construct Mechanics Early Build
Diablo 4 - Season 4 Is Great/Chain Lightning Sorc Returns

Diablo 4 Beta Update: Cosmetic Rewards & Can Your PC Run it?

In the Diablo 4 Developer Livestream yesterday we learned some more info about the upcoming beta, including PC specs and some new cosmetics for us to unlock and earn. Subscribe for more ARPG, Hack 'n Slash, and Looter Videos! Want More Content? • All Vulkan's Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA3Xkmof3cNlSCydo_horDF3z1kMjbyUJ 🧙‍♂️ Looking for Group? Want to join an awesome community? Discord is it!
Diablo 4 Beta Update: Cosmetic Rewards & Can Your PC Run it?
Diablo® IV
Diablo® IV

Diablo 4 Barbarian Overview: Everything To Know For Launch!

The Barbarian is a freight train of destruction, physicality, and carnage! By leveraging the versatile arsenal system, the Barbarian is prepared to handle any opponent. Is this class for you? Subscribe for more ARPG, Hack 'n Slash, and Looter Videos! Want More Content? • All Vulkan's Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA3Xkmof3cNlSCydo_horDF3z1kMjbyUJ 🧙‍♂️ Looking for Group? Want to join an awesome community? Discord is it!
Diablo 4 Barbarian Overview: Everything To Know For Launch!
Diablo® IV
Diablo® IV

Diablo 4 Beta Is Coming Soon! Here is What You Need to Know.

Diablo 4 beta is coming soon and we have two separate weekends to play, one for general public and another for pre-order only. Here is the Diablo link with all the details: https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/23916442/your-guide-to-the-diablo-iv-open-beta Subscribe for more ARPG, Hack 'n Slash, and Looter Videos! Want More Content? • All Vulkan's Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA3Xkmof3cNlSCydo_horDF3z1kMjbyUJ
Diablo 4 Beta Is Coming Soon! Here is What You Need to Know.
Diablo® IV
Diablo® IV

《暗黑破壞神 4》第一賽季「惡疫魔賽季」將於7 月 21 日登場

在7月7日由Blizzard舉辦的開發者更新實況直播中,《暗黑破壞神 4》宣布,將於 7 月 21 日推出第一賽季「惡疫魔賽季」,將帶來全新的任務線、新敵人、新能力等內容,以及賽季旅程與首張戰鬥通行證。 Blizzard 表示,《暗黑破壞神 4》賽季延續了《暗黑破壞神 》系列傳統,讓所有玩家都有機會體驗全新功能和遊戲機制,從頭開始新的賽季旅程。玩家可以在公平的賽場上測試之前有興趣的新職業和流派,或是用熟悉的既有職業與流派挑戰不一樣的賽季機制。玩家替新角色練功不需要從零開始,先前探索地圖獲得的名望和透過莉莉絲的祭壇尋獲的增益效果都將予以保留。如果玩家已經解鎖了坐騎,那新角色也可以立即使用。每個賽季結束後,所有角色都將轉移至永恆界域,供玩家隨時遊玩。    「惡疫魔賽季」描述莉莉絲的邪惡陰謀催生了新的威脅惡疫魔怪物,這些腐爛的怪物瘋狂地遊蕩、毫不猶豫地無意識地攻擊身邊範圍內的任何人。玩家在新的任務線中將與前任牧師柯蒙聯手,調查這個神秘出現的惡疫魔,柯蒙將訓練你如何捕捉這些骯髒的怪物、取得其心臟轉化為力量。
《暗黑破壞神 4》第一賽季「惡疫魔賽季」將於7 月 21 日登場
Diablo® IV
Diablo® IV

Diablo 4 Progression Systems Are a BIG Improvement

Diablo 4's progression systems are taking a huge leap forward when compared to previous games in the franchise. The developers are targeting depth, customization, and individuality when designing ways for players to improve their character. With sweeping changes to skills, the reintroduction of skill trees, and the brand new addition of Paragon Boards, Diablo 4 is looking brighter than ever. So let's take a look at all the ways you'll be able to make your favorite class fit a little bit better.
Diablo 4 Progression Systems Are a BIG Improvement
Diablo® IV
Diablo® IV

Diablo IV's Season of the Construct gives players a robot buddy to adventure with

Diablo IV has been through some big ups and downs since launching last summer, but the game's third season is about to begin, and it may be the biggest and most interesting one so far. The world of Diablo may be mostly known for angels and demons, but this time mechanical monstrosities will be getting in on the action. Titled "Season of the Construct," this season will see players journey to the depths underneath the desert of Kehjistan, where ancient robotic technology has sprung back to life and been made to serve the forces of evil. Players will make camp at the town of Gatehall and explore various vault dungeons full of the titular constructs as they attempt to master this powerful force for themselves.
Diablo IV's Season of the Construct gives players a robot buddy to adventure with
Diablo® IV
Diablo® IV

Diablo IV will raffle off a human-blood-infused PC if players donate 666 quarts of blood

"Diablo 4" enters its second season, themed as the Season of Blood. To match the theme, Blizzard requires players to offer their blood to summon a top-of-the-line gaming PC containing human blood. Blizzard has officially announced "THE BLOOD HARVEST" event to be held in the United States, from 20th Oct to 20th Nov. Any player over 18 can locate their nearest blood donation center, donate blood, and
Diablo IV will raffle off a human-blood-infused PC if players donate 666 quarts of blood
Diablo® IV
Diablo® IV


近日,《暗黑破坏神4》的玩家Lothrik通过后台资料挖掘,列出了游戏中最稀有的几个独特装备「Über Uniques」的掉落概率清单。虽然暴雪娱乐尚未证实这些数据的准确性,但这些数据与去年D4 Craft的资料挖掘结果相吻合。 后台资料挖掘揭示的装备掉落率 根据Lothrik的资料,游戏中每个职业所需的超稀有独特装备的掉落率都有所不同。举例来说,对于野蛮人而言,「军帽」谐角之冠的掉落率从10万分之1提高到了7000分之1。 游戏更新并未显著提高掉落率 尽管有这些数据的泄露,但实况主Rob2628指出,最近的游戏更新并没有使独特装备的掉落率提高到一个可以有效获得的水平。相反,这些更新只是将掉落率从「几乎不可能」提高到「需要长时间刷怪才有机会」。 暴雪的计划和挑战 虽然暴雪似乎没有打算让每位玩家都能轻松获得这些装备,但他们最近在游戏中加入了一个新的合成机制,让玩家可以用五个超稀有独特装备来合成一个自由选择的超稀有装备。然而,要搜集到五个超稀有装备本身就是一个巨大的挑战。
Diablo® IV
Diablo® IV

Welp Here we go Again Lilith! - Diablo IV Early Access Overview!

Summary: LILITH, THE DAUGHTER OF HATRED, RETURNS—Diablo IV's version of Sanctuary is vast and rife with opportunities for adventure. Decades have passed since the events of Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, and Lilith, the Daughter of Hatred, is determined to rule over Sanctuary once more. The choices to play your way in the game are richer and more extensive than ever, and players will be able to let their curiosity guide
Welp Here we go Again Lilith! - Diablo IV Early Access Overview!
Diablo® IV
Diablo® IV

The Future of Diablo Revealed: Awesome News Unveiled in Epic Interview!

In this video, we've got an EXCLUSIVE interview with the developers of Diablo IV! In the interview, they discuss the future of the game, and some of the awesome news that has been revealed! If you're a fan of the Diablo series, then you'll want to check out this interview! It contains some exciting news about the future of Diablo IV, and it's sure to excite fans of the game! Be sure to stay tuned for more updates about the game as the development progresses!
The Future of Diablo Revealed: Awesome News Unveiled in Epic Interview!
Diablo® IV
Diablo® IV

Diablo 4 - Everything We Learned About Season 1, Including The Battle Pass

Season 1 of Diablo 4 has been revealed by the devs as Season of the Malignant. We will be slaying elite enemies for malignant hearts, which contain powerful new effects. Blog: https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/23967322/malignance-runs-rampant-in-the-first-season-of-diablo-iv?blzcmp=blizzard-news Dev stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ih-nvMvxV8&t=4060s&ab_channel=Diablo Timestamps: Season Mechanic 00:00
Diablo 4 - Everything We Learned About Season 1, Including The Battle Pass
Diablo® IV
Diablo® IV


暴雪暗黑破壞神官方已宣布,將於7月7日凌晨2點,進行開發者直播講述《暗黑破壞神4》第一季的相關內容,推文披露了《暗黑破壞神4》第一季的相關內容以及將更新一個全新的BOSS。 直播時長為1個小時,另外,這場《暗黑破壞神》開發者實況也將帶領玩家深入研究即將在七月中加入《暗黑破壞神:不朽》的最新職業,將由資深故事劇情設計師 Ryan Quinn 和首席使用者體驗設計師 Chris Liao 負責介紹。 早些時間採訪中《暗黑4》總經理Rod Fergusson表示 “非賽季角色”無法推進戰鬥通行證升級,玩家必須使用賽季角色才能完成通行證內容;通行證提供的皮膚等外觀獎勵則是適用於所有角色與職業無關。
Diablo® IV
Diablo® IV

Blizzard: Diablo IV Up To 40% Off + Holiday Sale 2023

KingdomTaurusNews.com – In addition to releasing the Diablo Collection, the company also provides discounts for Diablo IV up to 40% on Battle.net. read more:
Diablo® IV
Diablo® IV


距離《暗黑破壞神IV》正式發售已經經過3個月,近日,遊戲總監 Rod Fergusson在接受媒體Dexerto的採訪時透露,除了每個季度的重大賽季更新以外,暴雪娛樂還計畫為遊戲推出年度大型資料片: “遊戲的正式發售與第一個季度僅僅意味著基礎已經打好,我們將來會有每個季度的賽季更新,我們會有年度的資料片更新,我們將在未來的服務中專注於這些環節。”Fergusson還進一步透露,未來的更新將會為《暗黑破壞神IV》推出全新的故事線。 根據暴雪娛樂此前公布的情報,《暗黑破壞神IV》將在每年進行四次重大賽季更新,遊戲的第二季度更新將於10月18日正式推出。此前的《暗黑破壞神III》也推出了《奪魂之鐮》與《死靈法師的崛起》兩部大型資料片。
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Diablo® IV
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