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Ghostrunner 2 Reviews

Ghostrunner 2 Reviews

Ghostrunner 2 MOTORCYCLE Gameplay Drives Me Crazy! Free demo available now on Steam for everyone.

Video made by EpicBeast007 A dazzling and powerful Combat Motorcycle, that's all I want all I need. Ghostrunner 2 did it. If Cyberpunk 2077 provide us such motorcycles, I bet CDPR's stock price would be much better. In the second mission of the demo, I found myself gripping the handles of a motorcycle in a high-stakes pursuit. The game introduced novel concepts of utilizing boost jumps to hurdle sprawling gaps, and even defying gravity by scaling walls to circumnavigate obstructions – all at a pulse-pounding velocity.
Ghostrunner 2 MOTORCYCLE Gameplay Drives Me Crazy! Free demo available now on Steam for everyone.
Ghostrunner 2
Ghostrunner 2

This first-person parkour game is the perfect follow-up to Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

SHOULD I PLAY GHOSTRUNNER 2? If you love the cyberpunk aesthetic or are looking for something with a similar vibe to play after wrapping up Cyberpunk 2077’s new DLC, then yes, definitely give this one a shot. Ghostrunner 2 is the sequel to a first-person sci-fi ninja game that launched back in 2020. That first game was already an awesome, adrenaline-pumping journey through a messed up neon future, but this one amps everything up to eleven. It is a supremely challenging, brutal, and beautiful game that deserves your attention.
This first-person parkour game is the perfect follow-up to Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty
Ghostrunner 2
Ghostrunner 2

Ghostrunner II - An ACTION PACKED Cyber Ninja Game In A Cyberpunk World!

🎮 Game: Ghostrunner II (Demo) 🍭 Platform: PC (Steam/Epic Store) | PlayStation | XBOX ✨ Genre: Action | Cyberpunk | Fast-Paced | First Person | Platformer 🤖In Ghostrunner II, you play as a cybernetic ninja in a cyberpunk, post apocalyptic world where everyone is out to get everyone. From what I can tell, it seems like you are the only justice left in this dying world and you are chasing down all the scum and removing them from the world.
Ghostrunner II - An ACTION PACKED Cyber Ninja Game In A Cyberpunk World!
Ghostrunner 2
Ghostrunner 2

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The Ultimate Cyber Ninja Experience! - Ghostrunner 2 // QUICK REVIEW

Get ready for the ultimate cyber ninja experience in Ghostrunner 2! Join us as we dive into the high-octane world of this hardcore first-person slasher. After the fall of the Keymaster, Jack is back to take on a violent AI cult in a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk future. In this video, we explore the incredible katana combat mechanics, nonlinear levels, and immersive features that make Ghostrunner 2 a must-play game. Plus, we'll discuss the new skills, enemies, and dialogue system that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don't miss out on this thrilling adventure, and make sure to stay tuned for all the latest updates! This video review of Mobile/ PC/ Console Game will show you some gameplay and help you to decide if you should invest your time into this game, we will discuss game mechanics, combat, progression, mechanics and f2p or p2w aspect of the game made in 2023. ❤️ HELP ME REACH 10 000 FOLLOWERS 🔔 FOLLOW FOR MORE GAME REVIEWS 🌲 LINKTREE (ALL THE LINKS):
The Ultimate Cyber Ninja Experience! - Ghostrunner 2 // QUICK REVIEW
Ghostrunner 2
Ghostrunner 2


👉🏻一款像素風平臺跳躍闖關遊戲。 🪄這是由AppSir Games推出热门恐怖游戏DERE系列第三部作品,你将发现自己被困在一个日益腐败和闹鬼的游戏世界中,居住在游戏中的邪恶实体决心让你的游戏体验成为噩梦。非常硬核的平臺闖關遊戲,需要十分敏銳的反應能力和極大的耐心,因為你會經歷無數次死亡…… ‼️喜歡平臺跳躍、闖關的,🉑️下載體驗啦 - 🎮遊戲名:DERE Vengeance 🕹️平臺:iOS/Android ✅像素|平臺跳躍|解謎|闖關 🪄 🎬 享受恐懼和懸念融合交織的故事劇情,充滿意想不到的轉折。 🧩 關卡設計精良极具挑战性,人工智能A.I.D.E給你提示建議。 🌀 抓準時機跳躍,躲避障礙物,成功解謎。 🧛🏻‍♀️ 融入許多恐怖元素,會遇到突如其來的驚嚇。
DERE Vengeance
DERE Vengeance

One Slash - One Life - Ghostrunner 2 // 30 SEC REVIEW

Learn Everything you need to know about Ghostrunner 2 in 30 secs. This video review of Mobile/ PC/ Console Game will show you some gameplay and help you to decide if you should invest your time into this game, we will discuss game mechanics, combat, progression, mechanics and f2p or p2w aspect of the game made in 2023. ❤️ HELP ME REACH 10 000 FOLLOWERS 🔔 FOLLOW FOR MORE GAME REVIEWS 🌲 LINKTREE (ALL THE LINKS):
One Slash - One Life - Ghostrunner 2 // 30 SEC REVIEW
Ghostrunner 2
Ghostrunner 2

Ghostrunner II (Demo) - First Impression: A FAST PACED, High INTENSITY, Fast REFLEX Action Game!

I recently tried out the Ghostrunner II demo and I loved it so much. The game is super fast paced and I sometimes had trouble keeping up with what was happening on the screen, but it all felt very high intensity and crazy fast. I highly recommend you try out the demo before the game comes out later this month.
Ghostrunner II (Demo) - First Impression: A FAST PACED, High INTENSITY, Fast REFLEX Action Game!
Ghostrunner 2
Ghostrunner 2

Ghost Runner 2 required more understanding of speed

I am well-versed in the arena of high-speed action and gameplay, both rythmatically and in general, due to my liking for games such as F-Zero, Beat Saber, Synth Riders, and others. While this isn't a rhythm game, I use these as examples since I believe they help me understand when something is far too slow for me to tolerate. If a game isn't challenging my physical response limits, I don't find it all that quick or exciting, especially when all it's doing is punishing me for being too fast. Perhaps due to personal bias, but the game itself is really clunky and buggy in a variety of ways. My 6-hour gameplay seemed unsatisfying and monotonous from start to finish.
Ghost Runner 2 required more understanding of speed
Ghostrunner 2
Ghostrunner 2

Cyberpunk Slasher – Ghostrunner 2

The sequel to Ghostrunner took approximately three years to land on the shelves of fans of this cyberpunk parkour platformer. The narrative follows the end of the previous episode and continues to follow the story of Jack and his group of “friends” in an attempt to discover which side of the barricade they intend to position themselves on. Jack, a unique case of a machine with human qualities, adds a layer of complexity to the story. While the game expands beyond the confines of Dharma, a towering shelter for its residents, the action kicks off within it. Dharma is under attack by an AI cult of metallic ninjas, seeking unimaginable powers. Jack emerges as the sole hope to combat this threat that could upheave everyone’s lives.
Cyberpunk Slasher – Ghostrunner 2
Ghostrunner 2
Ghostrunner 2


遊戲名:DERE Vengeance 平臺:iOS/Android 標籤:像素|橫版|平台跳躍|恐怖  |  劇情  |  二次元 今天推薦的這款像素風平台跳躍遊戲非常非常特別,它有濃濃的二次元RPG故事元素,精巧的平台機關設計,硬核的操作,更有“打破第四面墻”的舞台劇式表現手法,營造出極為詭異的恐怖氛圍,甚至可以說非常邪門,把關卡中的場景、機關和玩法完美融入到令人脊背發涼的故事當中。 這是AppSir Games開發的DERE系列的正統續作,遊戲很小巧,熟练的話2個小時就能通關,實際遊玩中,你一定會不停地死亡重來,但請相信,這遊戲絕對讓你拿起來就放不下! 【打破第四面墻的故事演義,處處都是意想不到的高能】 遊戲講述了一段極為荒誕詭異的故事,你莫名其妙被困在一個看似很像天堂,卻處處鬧鬼,日益腐敗的世界中。除了四處遊蕩的怪物之外,還有幾個邪惡實體化身為BOSS,其實她們本是普通人,也因為某些事件而墮入其中。故事在很多地方都很考驗“道德抉擇”,你因她们而失去一切,當她們講述了自己的無辜之後,你會選擇原諒她們嗎?
DERE Vengeance
DERE Vengeance


👻像素風+平台跳躍+恐怖故事=小巧而精緻的心理恐懼作品誕生啦❗️由AppSir Games推出的DERE系列正統續作《DERE Vengeance》,延續了系列詭異的故事風格和敘事手法,採用“拆掉第四面墻”的戲劇化表現形式,你將自己打開程序,自己掉進一個看似天堂一樣溫暖祥和,卻處處腐敗、瘆人的鬼怪四處遊蕩的詭異世界🌇遊戲有著精美的畫面,風格迥異的場景,以及十分硬核的動作操作,你將會經歷一次又一次死亡⚰️但是別灰心,這遊戲真的很吸引人,你一定會一直走下去,直到看見讓你背後發涼的驚天真相😬 - 🎮遊戲名:DERE Vengeance 🕹️平臺:iOS/Android ✅像素|平臺跳躍|解謎|闖關 | 動作 | 恐怖 | 二次元 - 🔮遊戲特點: 🎬極具互動性的故事,你的選擇將影響劇情發展,充滿了各種意想不到的驚嚇! 🧩腦洞大開又極富挑戰的關卡設計,每種機關都與環境相符合。仔細看,有很多詭異的細節。 🎡硬核操作,需要看準時機連續跳躍躲避,利用機關特性解謎,找出通路。 🌉場景切換非常突然,但又很符合世界設定,玩起來心臟都跟著鬆弛、緊張。 🎸BGM真的太讚了,剛沉醉與舒緩悠揚的旋律,下一秒就發出鬼魅的嘶吼,好聽更刺激。 - 如果你喜歡像素風平台跳躍,又很想嘗試恐怖題材,DERE Vengeance絕對是非常好的作品,2小時左右通關,小巧精緻📱玩完之後一定會懷疑人生,到底什麼是善惡,該懲罰還是原諒,詭異的世界,你就是規則!
DERE Vengeance
DERE Vengeance
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