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Warframe Mobile Reviews

Warframe Mobile Reviews

Warframe : A port destined for mobile, with messy controls…

the game is good (cause it’s a port yk) but the port still has some major flaws, but first i’ll mention the pros! 👍 Pros: The game features fun combat, with diverse enemies and many skills you can use that makes it very satisfying, and while the shooting and stuff is top notch, i still think that the melee takes the cake, because every hit and slash has a bit of an oomph to it and the gore also makes it that much more satisfying.
Warframe : A port destined for mobile, with messy controls…
Warframe Mobile
Warframe Mobile

Warframe Mobile - Warframe HAS COME To iOS, With Android COMING LATER!

🎮 Game: Warframe Mobile 🍭 Platform: iOS | Google Play | ✨ Genre: Sci-fi | RPG | Action | Fast-paced | ⚔️Warframe Mobile is out now for iOS devices, with Android coming later, and I tried it out on my iPhone 15 Pro Max. The experience wasn't as good as I would have liked, unfortunately. The game stuttered a lot and the visuals were a noticeable downgrade, even on the maximum settings. ⚔️Bind your main account to iOS on the website
Warframe Mobile - Warframe HAS COME To iOS, With Android COMING LATER!
Warframe Mobile
Warframe Mobile

Controlling a cyborg agile ninja with powerful abilities | Gameplay - Warframe Mobile

Warframe is finally now available on mobile devices, featuring crossplay and progression. The iOS port was released last February 20, 2024, while an Android port is currently in development, offering players the chance to enjoy the game on the go, while maintaining their progress towards any platform they want to play in and being able to play with anyone. Playing the game on mobile, it offers a surprisingly robust experience for a mobile port of such a technically impressive AAA game. As said earlier, one of the best features of Warframe is its cross-play and cross-progression functionality. Something that other franchise like Call of Duty or PUBG have failed to pull off. This functionality is similar to how crossplay works in Genshin Impact, supporting PC, Switch, and mobile devices. This means you can play on your PC, then continue playing your character on-the-go with your mobile phone, and then back to PC once you get home. In terms of visuals,
Controlling a cyborg agile ninja with powerful abilities | Gameplay - Warframe Mobile
Warframe Mobile
Warframe Mobile

Warframe Mobile News

Warframe claims to be available on all platforms !! But is it ?
Warframe mobile JUST RELEASED!
Warframe mobile is officially launching on 20th February  2024 with crossplay with pc and console.
Warframe Mobile|Release Date for the MMO Shooter, coming to iOS !

Warframe Mobile - Decent Gameplay But OBVIOUS Graphical DOWNGRADE

I'd say that Warframe Mobile has a lot of work to fix the stuttering and poor optimization that happens from time to time. It's not often, but it does get annoying when it does happen. The visual downgrade was disappointing. I understand there will be some downgrade since it can't look exactly the same as PC on max graphics, but I didn't expect it to look this bad. Sometimes the textures are super muddy and the overall areas have an obvious downgrade. It's even more obvious when you go back and play it on PC. I hope that this will be improved upon over time. Since I know this is still early days of the release, and android isn't even out yet. So there might still be more work to come to improve the performance and visuals of the game. I hope so. Because at the moment, I don't think I will be playing this on my phone unless I get a serious itch to play Warframe, and don't want to boot up my PC. The controls are good though, and everything was designed to feel fast paced, which was nice. Overall I'd say I would give Warframe Mobile a 7/10 for it's overall score. With definite room to improve. I look forward to seeing if they will improve the mobile version of the game over time.
Warframe Mobile - Decent Gameplay But OBVIOUS Graphical DOWNGRADE
Warframe Mobile
Warframe Mobile


👉🏻一款科幻動作射擊遊戲。 🪄該遊戲為Digital Extremes開發的《戰甲神兵》手機版,你將飾演冰封許久的「Tenno」種族,藉由運用古老生化科技發展的外骨骼武裝系統「Warframe」獲得強大戰力,對抗軍事帝國「Grineer」與超大型企業「Corpus」等勢力來守護太陽系。 ⚠️除能夠體驗到超過10年的《戰甲神兵》完整遊戲內容,還實現了帳號進度共享與跨平臺連線功能。 ‼️喜歡的話就趕緊下載體驗啦! - 🎮遊戲名:Warframe Mobile ✅科幻|動作|戰鬥|角色扮演 🪄 💡 采用第三人稱視角,操控角色使用主次武器或者釋放技能來擊殺敵人,完成各种任务。 ⚔️ 滑鏟、下劈、背刺等動作絲滑流暢,細節處理到位,大大增加了擊殺爽感。 🌟 可完成橫跨5個不同的擴展內容及超30個由故事驅動的系列任務。 🔺 解鎖40多個不同的Warframe,而每一個都擁有一套獨特的技能。 🔫 製造超過百種毀滅性軍備,除可自由搭配外,還能自訂武器外觀。 🌀 探索一個龐大而又神秘的開放世界,體驗其電影式的故事內容敘述。 👥 支持跨平臺存檔、跨平臺遊玩。與好友組隊作戰,同心協力完成任務獲取額外獎勵。
Warframe Mobile
Warframe Mobile


🪄遊戲以收集和搭配裝備為主,你將扮演冰封許久的「Tenno」種族,藉由運用古老生化科技發展的外骨骼武裝系統「Warframe」獲得強大戰力,對抗軍事帝國「Grineer」與超大型企業「Corpus」等勢力來守護太陽系,還可在這片太陽系尋找古代文明遺物,藉此強化身上戰甲與武器威力,並解開創造戰甲的「Orokin」帝國殞落真相。 🪄收集擁有各種類型且各有獨特定位和屬性的超能英雄,自由搭配組裝數百張擁有不同加成屬性的卡牌MOD,还可随心选择龐大的異能軍械庫中從遠古到現代再到未來科技武器。 🪄加入氏族,建設氏族家園,自由佈置,裝飾決鬥房等,甚至與其他氏族結盟。進行星際探索,揭開虛空,史前文明的神殿等神秘的面紗。
Warframe Mobile
Warframe Mobile

(Gameplay) - Warframe Mobile

It has set a new standard for mobile gaming, delivering a true Warframe experience on a smaller screen without compromising on quality or depth. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, this offers a captivating journey into the futuristic world of the Origin System, right at your fingertips!!!! Come and play with me!
Warframe Mobile
Warframe Mobile


it have been awhile since i last played Warframe.. it is my first game on steam and i cant stop playing it. i made alot of friends.. good friends.. joined the clan, get into discord servers. grind for stuff together, doing hour long survival, puzzles, just chatting.. it was the best few years of my life. i would do anything just to experience those times again..
Warframe Mobile
Warframe Mobile

(OUTDATED) This Upcoming Mobile Game Has The Android Community Upset..

EDIT: THE GAME HAS NOW BEEN ANNOUNCED FOR ANDROID!! Join the Channel Membership to get access to a bunch of exclusive, members only perks including videos, emotes, and more!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxS6rRJzNL6hydaQbAQFMVQ/join Discord: https://discord.gg/r8TbkEZYA5 Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/jaboosle TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jaboosle My Mobile Device: iPhone 14 Recording Software: Screen Capture On iOS, Streamlabs For PC
(OUTDATED) This Upcoming Mobile Game Has The Android Community Upset..
Warframe Mobile
Warframe Mobile

Space Ninja's Everywhere!! - Warframe Mobile Review

CONTROLLER RECOMMENDED! Story Enter your Warframe: a bio-metal suit of untold power. Unleash its abilities and wield a vast array of devastating weaponry to annihilate hordes of enemies on sight effortlessly. And when the slaughter is over, you can earn or instantly unlock 40+ different Warframes - each with a unique suite of powers - to re-experience the mayhem any way you want. Overview: Warframe Mobile Version is a free-to-play game that offers impressive graphics, updated gameplay mechanics, and a vast array of Warframes with unique abilities. However, the game's touchscreen controls can be challenging to maneuver, and it works better with a controller unavailable for all mobile devices. The game is only available for iOS users, leaving Android users out of the loop.
Space Ninja's Everywhere!! - Warframe Mobile Review
Warframe Mobile
Warframe Mobile

Warframe is a stellar example of a mobile port

[Music credit: “Sci-fi action movie soundtrack" by  - Azure Glitch] WHAT'S AWESOME: 00:17 WHAT SUCKS: 1:17 Read more about Warframe here! PLATFORM TESTED iOS via iPhone 15 Pro.
Warframe Mobile
Warframe Mobile


遊戲名:Warframe 平臺:Android     iOS 類型:MMORPG ✨內容超多的MMORPG~入坑到現在還沒做完過當日的日常🤣 ✨主線和dlc品質不輸pc上的多人連線遊戲,和朋友一起玩手遊的首選! ✨碰上好幾個自稱“我玩了幾百小時但也感覺自己是個新人”的老玩家🤣可能是遊戲特色~ 週末打完了雙衍悖論的單人部分,主線也推進到了下個區域 終於進了個大城市!之前感覺一直在太空打遊擊! 能玩的東西也變多了 外出做任務的時候可以順便釣魚、挖礦、抓寵物…… 提升區域聲望還能解鎖更多內容! 這次加入了個臨時搭夥的四人隊伍 一開始很緊張!感覺自己好多東西都不會! 任務也做的好慢好慢…… 然後跟隊友一起去趕羊的時候發現,嗯,好像不是只有我不會玩🤣 雖然各幹各的但最後還是集合起來把BOSS打了! 入坑之前很擔心pc和手遊同進度會不會不好跟上 但玩到現在感覺就是所有人都特別友好~ 老玩家對新人都非常包容~ 可以按照自己的習慣和節奏進行遊戲 體驗相當棒!入坑不虧!
Warframe Mobile
Warframe Mobile

I was eagerly anticipating the release of this game and it has exceeded my expectations!!!

The transition to mobile has been seamless, allowing me to experience the fast-paced action and stunning visuals on the go. The touch controls are intuitive, and the optimization for mobile devices is impressive, delivering a smooth and immersive gameplay experience.
I was eagerly anticipating the release of this game and it has exceeded my expectations!!!
Warframe Mobile
Warframe Mobile


我正在玩这款游戏,刚开始是看宣传片认识的这个游戏,当时看着里面的机甲超级帅!!!!!!!!✪ω✪毕竟是男孩子,对机甲真的没有抵抗力,就下了试试,和宣传片里真的没有差距,是一款机甲射击类游戏❤️ 他里面有很多种任务,包括刺杀,间谍,救援,防御等 等等等!!!!!!!!!对技术有一定要求,还有团队作战,策略啥的我没多大反应,因为本人脑子有点.....嗯,咳咳咳!不许笑!!!!!!!!(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ 他的美术功底很好,我作为一个美术生,给他个大大的大拇指😍😍不管是背景音乐还是枪械音效,都相当的逼真!!!!!!!✪ω✪当然,重点还是机甲!!,建模超级赞👍帅的我360度旋转流口水😛😛 里面有活跃的社区,经常更新,官方大大会定期发布新的机甲,任务,武器,给我满满的新鲜感,爱了爱了❤️❤️ 而且!!!!!他免费!!!!!它是一款免费游戏,免费游戏能做到这个地步,真的很牛波一~了~ 但是在配置比较低的设备上,会出现性能问题,希望官方大大能针对优化一下,谢谢😙😙😙
Warframe Mobile
Warframe Mobile

Gameplay Warframe Mobile

The graphics are breathtaking, showcasing the intricate details of the Warframes and the diverse environments with remarkable fidelity. The sound design further enhances the immersive experience, drawing me deeper into the sci-fi universe of Warframe. The mobile version's accessibility has allowed me to delve into quick missions or longer gameplay sessions whenever I have a spare moment, making it a perfect companion for my gaming needs.
Warframe Mobile
Warframe Mobile

Warframe Mobile GAMEPLAY

The depth of customization and the variety of Warframes and weapons available on the mobile version mirrors the richness of the original game. The developers have done an exceptional job in maintaining the core elements of Warframe while tailoring it for the mobile platform. The missions and challenges feel just as engaging as they do on other platforms, and the cooperative gameplay remains a highlight, allowing for seamless multiplayer action on mobile devices.
Warframe Mobile
Warframe Mobile


👉🏻一款第三人稱ARPG遊戲。 🪄遊戲以收集和搭配裝備為主,你將扮演冰封許久的「Tenno」種族,藉由運用古老生化科技發展的外骨骼武裝系統「Warframe」獲得強大戰力,對抗軍事帝國「Grineer」與超大型企業「Corpus」等勢力來守護太陽系,還可在這片太陽系尋找古代文明遺物,藉此強化身上戰甲與武器威力,並解開創造戰甲的「Orokin」帝國殞落真相。 ‼️喜歡科幻題材、ARPG的,🉑️下載體驗啦 - 🎮遊戲名:戰甲神兵Warframe 🕹️平臺:iOS/Android ✅3D|科幻|快節奏|動作|角色扮演 🪄 ⭕️ 可擁有各種類型且各有獨特定位和屬性的超能英雄。 🔍 可進行星際探索,揭開虛空,史前文明的神殿等神秘的面紗。 🌟 龐大的異能軍械庫,從遠古到現代再到未來科技武器,可隨心選擇。 🌀 數百張擁有不同加成屬性的卡牌MOD,自由搭配組裝。 ⚔️ 加入氏族,建設氏族家園,自由佈置,裝飾決鬥房等,甚至與其他氏族結盟。
Warframe Mobile
Warframe Mobile
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