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Ex Astris Reviews

Ex Astris Reviews

A mobile anime RPG without gacha? Ex Astris is a premium game with an addictive combat system

SHOULD I PLAY EX ASTRIS? If you have a phone powerful enough to run it, you should absolutely pick it up. Ex Astris is a brand-new mobile RPG from the creators of Arknights. It’s got everything you could want from an anime RPG—lovable characters, great combat, and a beautiful world—but there’s no gacha and no microtransactions. It’s refreshing to play a mobile title that’s not designed around monetization beyond the initial price to buy it, and if you’re into these kinds of games, it’s definitely worth paying for.
A mobile anime RPG without gacha? Ex Astris is a premium game with an addictive combat system
Ex Astris
Ex Astris

Ex Astris Early First Impression

Ex Astris is a adventure RPG with turn based combat that has some action elements. Now that I have purchased the game and am playing through it, I can tell you in full confidence that this game does not have any gacha or micro transaction. This is a one time purchase, buy to play premium mobile game. 🎮 Gameplay: So you might be wondering how a turn based game can have elements of a action game. When you engage combat with enemies, you do take turns between each other and your characters do require action points (AP) to use skills. But when it is the enemies turn to attack, your characters goes into a "defensive" state. In this state you will be able to perfectly parry the enemies attack if you time it properly.
Ex Astris Early First Impression
Ex Astris
Ex Astris

GRYPHLINE's First Premium Mobile Game & They CRUSHED It! | Ex Astris Review!

After its massive success with Arknights and with huge anticipation revolving around Arknights: Endfield, GRYPHLINE drops another bomb on the mobile gaming community with their first premium mobile game, Ex Astris. Costing $9.99 on both Apple App Store and Google Play Store, it is a stunningly beautiful turned-based 3D RPG game that honestly deserves a separate console release. Playing as Yan, an investigator from Earth, you start out the game traveling on a train across a planet called Allindo. An unexpected crash knocks you out of the train leading you to later meet with your new companion, Vi3.
GRYPHLINE's First Premium Mobile Game & They CRUSHED It! | Ex Astris Review!
Ex Astris
Ex Astris

Ex Astris News

Ex Astris丨Real-time turn-based 3D RPG launches February 27 for iOS, Android. Priced at $9.99.
New 2024 INSANE RPG! 'Ex Astrix' - First 25 Minutes Gameplay Ultra Graphics 4K 60Fps


居然上線啦,還是買斷製的單機,著我趕緊入一個。好像沒啥宣發,估計是鷹角試水的作品,查了下製作組,是內部叫“覺醒波”的組,第一次開發3D遊戲,所以低調點也在情理之中啦。 遊戲的畫面、場景其實都還好,我也不是顏值黨,但是戰鬥很值得說說。說實話,這次的戰鬥有點複雜。首先需要在戰前搭配兩套技能鏈,注意這個“鏈”很重要,因為角色一般都配有普通、擊飛、浮空連段、擊落、到底追擊這幾種技能,需要一定順序打出來後才能獲取一個行動點,而要想打的爽,就必須要行動點夠多,打出足夠多連斷回合,不然一次兩三招斷了,到後面就會被敵方連到死! 地方會根據你的出招做出對應動作,比如防禦、閃避,很多時候時機把握不對就會空招甚至空大~這個應該是後期打BOSS難度提升的一個要點。 再有就是“光影協同”系統,說實話,製作組就愛搞這種奇怪的名次,說白了就是“防反”,每個角色都有紅藍兩種顏色的防反動作,對方打來的白色攻擊都可以反,但是不同顏色的攻擊,就需要用對應的反擊應對了。如果反的精準,其實收益非常大,比如“薇”能大幅打掉對方架勢條,也就是“穩定性”,讓對方出現大破防,用好了還能進入子彈時間,但是,時機要求非常精準,說實話前期挺苦手的。
Ex Astris
Ex Astris


👉🏻一款二次元異星冒險RPG遊戲。 🪄鷹角網絡最新作品,故事背景圍繞宇宙和異星文明展開,你將扮演來自地球的調查員,因收到登錄異星調查情報的任務,意外與異星人相逢,自此開始了一場結伴旅行。 ⚠️所用畫面素材為測試版本實錄,期待上線後的最終品質呀! ‼️喜歡冒險、RPG的,🉑️期待一下啦 - 🎮遊戲名:Ex Astris(來自星塵) 🕹️平臺:移動端/PC ✅二次元|角色扮演|冒險|探索 🪄 當第一顆衛星穿過大氣層時,我們相信總有一天我們會征服宇宙。 現在我意識到,人類只是在延伸地球的邊界,把萬花筒般的世界拋在了身後。 🪄 ⚔️ 戰鬥系統采用回合製和即時戰鬥相結合,兼顧遊戲趣味性和易操性。 ✅ 除一般攻擊外,還有反擊、浮空連擊等機製,使戰鬥具有多變性。 ⭕️ 每個角色最多可配置3個技能,各角色可交替使用技能。 🌟 戰前可為每個角色配置連招,根據不同敵人的情況靈活使用。 💡 可與多名個性鮮明的角色相遇,每個角色都有其獨特屬性和技能。
Ex Astris
Ex Astris

Ex Astris - Official Launch Gameplay (Android/iOS)

Game Mode: Offline Total Size: 5.08 GB Gameplay:Ex Astris - Official Launch Gameplay (Android/iOS) Ex Astris - Official Launch Gameplay (Android/iOS) When the first satellite passes through the atmosphere, we believe we shall conquer the universe someday. Now I realized, humans are solely extending the boundaries of the earth left the kaleidoscopic world behind. Investigator. Have you ever thought that the mourning sea in front of you has lost its warmth? We are struggling in the shallow waters when tides over the shore. We are stranded on the sandbank when waves recede. Every single star shall rejoice and lament. "Go through the storm and transcend eternity. Bon voyage."
Ex Astris - Official Launch Gameplay (Android/iOS)
Ex Astris
Ex Astris

so far gameplay pretty good

Cool RPG graphic to explore, Story-rich, turn-base combat rpg with timing feature of defensive/counter attack gameplay, shout out to hypergryph rnd team 👍 Pros:
so far gameplay pretty good
Ex Astris
Ex Astris

can you ask for anything better? a non gatcha

Truly an excellent game, this is what one would expect when new games come out (e.g. Genshin impact...) and instead they are gatchas, the graphics are crazy, the sound is very good and relaxing, it blends in with the landscape giving you a cozy and enjoyable experience, Despite being a turn-based game, the mechanics are varied, including combos and other actions, the addition of the real-time parry is an excellent addition, although it is not very big as a game it is very detailed as a world, there aren't many characters but they are well done and they interact each other perfectly in the story which up to what I've played is quite interesting, you can interact with other characters who give secondary missions, there are not many objects between two interact but there is a merchant and the kitchen, the open world is no longer too open but that's fine so that the game is playable in its entirety without too many limitations, it's worth it's price
can you ask for anything better? a non gatcha
Ex Astris
Ex Astris

Ex Astris Proves Mobile Games Don't Have To Be Gacha

Ex Astris is Gryphline's (Arknights publisher) new premium mobile RPG and yes you read correctly, it is not a gacha. Charming open world, turn-based hybrid combat and no microtransactions (!!) make Ex Astris one the most interesting releases in 2024 so far and here is what we think about it after playing it for a few hours.
Ex Astris Proves Mobile Games Don't Have To Be Gacha
Ex Astris
Ex Astris

On the way to ideal

While studying the game, I learned that it was from the creators of Arknights, their first project in a different genre, which was definitely not lumpy. They know quality and atmosphere of peace very well. What can turn you into a cloud that loves this planet and makes our sky a little more interesting? — High-quality approach to game design; — Nice combat system; — The game is made with soul; — Difficult bosses (the first one here can one-shot);
On the way to ideal
Ex Astris
Ex Astris

Review after finishing this game

Finally finished. Total playtime <24 hours, this game is a must buy and play, especially offline (online to synchronize saves to the server). The game is unique, quite different from other games. There is one chapter that is a bit disappointed because the place is repeated (so as not to increase the size). For combat there is no problem at all. Story? Not bad, for the ending it seems too ordinary / cliché (less wah).
Ex Astris
Ex Astris

能甜能打,可狼可奶 | 約你看外星的小姐姐有多厲害!

遊戲名:Ex Astris(来自星尘) 平臺:iOS/Android 標籤:MMORPG|動作冒險|二次元|單機 | 買斷制 | 回合制 《明日方舟》的開發商鷹角網絡之前公佈了一款非常令人期待的新作品《Ex Astris》(来自星尘),不過一直沒有公佈太多消息,到目前為止也只放出了一段概念PV和一段戰鬥演示,不過看過之後還是覺得很值得等待的。官方此前還對遊戲的各項玩法做了答疑,作為一款單機買斷制的3D回合制RPG遊戲,把經典JRPG的策略和動作元素相結合,而且與之前的方舟作品風格截然不同,不知道會帶來怎樣的驚喜? 【3D回合制RPG玩法,多角色組隊開啟異星之旅】 遊戲採用3D回合制RPG玩法,你將扮演來自地球的調查員,因為收到登陸異星調查情報的任務,因緣際會地和來自其他星系的人們相逢,自此展開一段結伴同行的旅程。你們將一起穿越星系,目的地是一個被環形風暴分割的星球,沒有日落,並且棲息著奇異生物和指揮種族。
能甜能打,可狼可奶 | 約你看外星的小姐姐有多厲害!
Ex Astris
Ex Astris


去年下半年鷹角放出個PV,展示了兩個角色的外形、動作和基本玩法,之後以為能大張旗鼓宣發,結果就悄無聲息地上線了,還好我敏感的小神經一直關注~首先讓我意外的是上線居然是買斷製,而且沒有內購!沒有內購!沒有內購!光是這一點就很良心。 上手玩之後,發現手感非常順滑,操作按鍵和動作適配明顯專門做了優化,無論手指放在多麼邊緣的位置,都能做到精準的方向判定。 畫面感覺比最初PV要縮水了一點,也可以理解,畢竟設定在“異星奇景”的龐大世界,受限於手機的機能,為了保證畫面足幀,犧牲一些畫質也能理解,我玩的時候感覺能穩定在50-60幀左右(肉眼鎖幀,不愧是我~),即時戰鬥特效開滿也比較穩。 遊戲畫質其實一般,但是美術是真的保持了鷹角一貫的水準。畫面配色非常搶眼,暗金的石柱,配明晃晃的大白墻,角色也是大白大藍大紅,技能就不用說啦,冰火雷電色彩絢麗,飽和度開滿,場景也非常突出“上古遺跡”,神秘感拉滿。但要吐槽的是,角色的面部細節可太單薄了,純純面癱二五仔~
Ex Astris
Ex Astris

Go play🎮 ..... Not wait 🔥

Go play🎮 ..... Not wait 🔥
Ex Astris
Ex Astris


玩了個開頭,還沒深入,先來說下總體感覺; 1.鷹角這類大廠難得出買斷製手游,而且沒有內購,很良心,這一點還是要支持下。而且目前來看品質是符合這個價格的。 2.美術與UI很強,PV裡經過渲染的場景,實際遊玩光影和質感一點不差,尤其是異星文明的科技產品和遺跡元素,從反光到懸浮效果,以及配色都很有位置科技特有的神秘感,尤其是遺跡石柱,總透露著一股詭異。 3.角色模型有點一般,製作組想要呈現Live 2D渲染3D的感覺,但是麵部表情有點僵硬。 4.故事很吸引人,尤其是浩瀚阿爾林鐸的各大城鎮、部族的背景,穿越這些地方完成任務很有星際旅行的史詩感。 5.半回合戰鬥很有新意,但機制有點複雜,熟悉之後玩起來很有策略性。兩套技能相互配合很有感覺,但只適合核心玩家。 6.大世界探索很吸引人,不同地區的景色迥異,從遺跡頹廢的荒蕪森林,到科技感滿滿的研究大廳,總讓人覺得人生大起大落~ 總之,鷹角第一次做的3D買斷製遊戲,遠沒有方舟來的經驗,但慢慢玩還是不錯的。
Ex Astris
Ex Astris
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